County of marker: Iron County
Location of marker: Main St., right hand side of courthouse door, Ironton
Marker erected: October 5, 1974
Erected by: Te Iron County 4-H Council, The Iron County Court, The University of Missouri Extension Council, & The Missouri 4-H Foundation
Marker Text:
[four leaf clover with an "H" on each leaf]IRON COUNTY
Recognition is given to B. P. Burnham, then County Superintendent of Schools, for is originality, foresight and leadership in organizing the first 4-H clubs in Missouri: one at a high school in Ironton, the other at the one room King School near Annapolis.
From the beginning in 1914 the membership in 4-H has grown to more than 50,000 members in Missouri. Membership in 4-H offers a healthy and positive learning experience for youth. Thousands of boys and girls have had the opportunity to enrich their lives by putting into practice the motto, "to make the best better."
In recognition of the founder, the charter members, all 4-H leaders and members, and friends of 4-H, this plaque was dedicated on October 5, 1974, by the Iron County 4-H Council, together with the Iron County Court, The University of Missouri Extension Council, and the Missouri 4-H Foundation.