Boy on a Dolphin (1957) - Mandraki Harbour - Rhodes, Greece
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 36° 26.920 E 028° 13.669
35S E 610031 N 4034414
A woman finds a treasure and is torn between two men: one who wants to sell it and one who wants to gift it to Greece. Filmed on location around the Greek islands of the Agean. The opening scenes contain some scenes filmed in Rhodes.
Waymark Code: WM11HR0
Location: Greece
Date Posted: 10/28/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bill&ben
Views: 7

A woman finds a treasure and is torn between two men: one who wants to sell it and one who wants to gift it to Greece. Filmed on location around the Greek islands of the Agean. The opening scenes contain some scenes filmed in Rhodes.

"Boy on a Dolphin is a 1957 20th Century Fox romantic film set in Greece and shot in DeLuxe Color and CinemaScope. It was directed by Jean Negulesco and produced by Samuel G. Engel from a screenplay by Ivan Moffat and Dwight Taylor, based on the novel of the same name by David Divine.

The film was Sophia Loren's English-language debut. She starred opposite Alan Ladd and Clifton Webb, with Alexis Minotis and Laurence Naismith in support. Hugo Friedhofer's score was nominated for a Best Music Academy Award in 1958. Cinematography was by Milton Krasner. It was the first Hollywood movie shot in Greece.

Phaedra (Sophia Loren) is a poor Greek sponge diver on the island of Hydra. She works from the boat of her boyfriend, Rhif (Jorge Mistral), an immigrant from Albania. She accidentally finds an ancient Greek statue of a boy riding a dolphin on the bottom of the Aegean Sea. Her efforts to sell it to the highest bidder lead her to two competing individuals: Dr. James Calder (Alan Ladd), an honest archaeologist who will surrender it to Greek authorities, and Victor Parmalee (Clifton Webb), an aesthete and an unscrupulous dealer in historic artifacts.

Calder and Parmalee each try to win Phaedra's cooperation. She works in concert with Parmalee, while developing feelings for Calder. When she seems to waver, Rhif decides to make the deal with Parmalee work. The film reaches a happy conclusion, with virtue rewarded, the statue celebrated by the people of Hydra, and Phaedra and Calder in each other's arms. Parmalee, a man with no apparent national loyalties or heritage, sets course for Monte Carlo.

The film was loosely based on David Divine's novel by the same name which was published in 1955, which presents as rivals an English archeologist and an impoverished Greek student.

20th Century Fox bought the film rights prior to publication. Sam Engel was assigned to produce and Alec Coppel to write.

Clifton Webb and Joan Collins were announced as stars. Then Leon Uris was signed to work on the script and Henry Koster to direct. Dwight Taylor wrote a version of the script.

Henry Koster was originally meant to direct. However he was delayed on D Day the Sixth of June and was replaced by Jean Negulesco.

The female lead eventually went to Sophia Loren. Alan Ladd signed on shortly before shooting commenced.

Much of the film was shot on location on the Greek Saronic Islands, notably Hydra. Establishing shots of Athens, Rhodes and Delos add to the vérité, while matte shots and some interiors were done at Cinecittà in Rome. One scene uses the Eastern Orthodox monastery complex at Metéora, which was later used as a location in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only.

Webb fell ill with pneumonia during the shoot. Filming went relatively smoothly, despite the fact it was the first Hollywood movie shot in Greece. Webb later sponsored two Greek children.

The dissimilarity in heights between the 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m) Loren and 5 ft 6 in (1.68 m) Ladd led to complications in filming. Some of their scenes together required him to stand on a box, while another forced a trench to be dug for Loren when the pair walked along the beach.

Sophia Loren sings "What is this thing they call love" with an uncredited Tonis Maroudas. The theme song sung by Julie London is heard over the underwater title sequence:

There's a tale that they tell of a dolphin
And a boy made of gold.
With the shells and the pearls in the deep,
He has lain many years fast asleep
What they tell of the boy on a dolphin,
Who can say if it's true?
Should he rise from the depths of the ocean,
Any wish that you wish may come true.

You say "he's only a statue, and what can a statue achieve?"
And yet, while I'm gazing at you,
My heart tells my head to believe.

If the boy whom the gods have enchanted
Should arise from the sea,
And the wish of my heart could be granted,
I would wish that you loved only me."

SOURCE - (visit link)

Mia gynaíka vrískei énan thisavró kai spáne anámesa se dýo ándres: kápoion pou thélei na to poulísei kai kápoios pou thélei na to dorísei stin Elláda. Vinteoskopíthike se topothesía gýro apó ta elliniká nisiá tou Agean. Oi archikés skinés periéchoun merikés skinés pou gyrístikan sti Ródo.

"To paidí kai to delfíni eínai dramatikí-romantikí tainía paragogís 1957 pou diadramatízetai stin Elláda kai eínai vasisméni sto mythistórima tou David Divine "Boy on a dolphin". Protagonistoún i Sofía Lóren, o Álan Lant kai o Klífton Gouéb. I tainía apoteleí tin próti amerikanikí paragogí sto elladikó chóro kathós kai tin próti tainía pou gyrístike se Cinemascope 55.

I Faídra mia nearí Ydraía sfoungaroú (Sofía Lóren) kánontas mia katádysi ston vythó tis Ýdras anakalýptei entelós tychaía éna archaío ágalma pou apeikonízei éna paidí páno se éna delfíni. I Faídra ekmystirévetai tin anakálypsi aftí ston Alvanó sýntrofó tis, Rif (Jorge Mistral) kai ston Ánglo giatró tou nisioú, ton doktor Chokins (Laurence Naismith) o opoíos taxidévontas stin Dílo anakalýptei oti i kataskeví tou polýtimou agálmatos aftoú anágetai stin período tis romaïkís katochís kai óti pistévetai óti échei magikés idiótites. I Faídra loipón apofasízei na taxidépsei stin Athína kai na prospathísei na epikoinonísei me tous Amerikánous archaiológous me stócho na ofelitheí kai aftí oikonomiká. Ftánontas stin Athína i Faídra érchetai se epafí me ton Amerikáno archaiológo Kálnter (Alan Ladd) o opoíos ergázetai se kápoies anaskafikés ergasíes stin Akrópoli kai o opoíos prosféretai na voithísei. Katá tin diárkeiá tis paramonís tis, i Faídra synantáei sto mouseío kai énan ploúsio archaiokápilo, ton Víktor Pármali (Klífton Gouéb) o opoíos tin peíthei óti an ton voithísei na párei aftós to ágalma, aftí kai o Rif tha ploutísoun. I Faídra epivradýnei tin paramoní tis stin Athína diaménontas ston skáfos tou Pármali enó o ídios kánei éna mikró taxídi stin Epídavro kai ta Metéora gia na mazépsei perissóteres pliroforíes gia to ágalma enó stin vivliothíki ton Meteóron synantáei kai ton Kálnter o opoíos meletáei epísis kai o opoíos échei os stócho na paradósei to ágalma stis ellinikés archés. O Pármalis spévdei pros tin Ýdra mazí me tin Faídra enó sýntoma kataftánei sto exotikó nisí o Kálnter. I Faídra pliroforeí ton Rif kai ton giatró kai oi dyo apofasízoun na synergastoún me ton Pármali. Entometaxý o mikrós adelfós tis Faídras o Níkos (Piero Giagnoni) gnorízetai me ton Amerikáno archaiológo. I Faídra prosféretai na voithísei ton Kálnter allá paraplanóntas ton se thalássia méri pou den échoun kamiá schési me to méros ópou anakálypse to ágalma, óste aftós na apascholeítai óso o Pármalis tha katastrónei to schédió tou. Metá apó merikés méres o Kálnter apogoitévetai kai ypoptévetai oti ísos i Faídra boreí na synergástike me ton Pármali. Étsi me tin voítheia tou Níkou, mathaínei pou échei apovivasteí to giot tou Pármali kai spévdei na ton synantísei. Taftóchrona ómos o Nantápoulos (Aléxis Minotís), énas práktoras tis ellinikís kyvérnisis échei staltheí sto nisí gia na erevnísei tin ypóthesi. To vrády tis ídias méras i Faídra synantáei ton Kálnter stin tavérna to "kýma" opoú ekeí i Faídra tragoudáei to tragoúdi "Ti eínai aftó pou to léne agápi" mazí me ton Tóni Maroúda.O Kálnter tis léei óti tha chrisimopoiísei éna ypovrýchio anichneftí íchou gia na vreí to ágalmá afoú échei syneiditopoiísei to schédio pou échoun katastrósei o Pármalis kai i Faídra. I Faídra enimerónei ton Pármali kai to ídio vrády i Faídra me ton Rif metakinoún to ágalma me eidikó exoplismó apo to vythó se éna spílaio káto apó énan fáro sto nisí tis Ýdras. To epómeno proí o Kálnter páei na synantísei tin Faídra sto spíti tis gia na tin apochairetísei allá kai na tis exomologísei ton érota pou nióthei gia aftín. I Faídra katalavaínei to láthos tis allá akóma eínai polý berdeméni afoú agapáei ton Kálnter allá thélei na epofelitheí kai oikonomiká apo tin anakalypsí tis voithóntas ton archaiokápilo. Tin epómeni méra o Níkos prosféretai na voithísei ton Kálnter na vreí to ágalma me ton anichneftí kai archízoun tin érevna. O Níkos odigeí ton archaiológo sto méros opoú i adelfí tou voútoúse sychná gia sfoungária. O Kálnter entopízei éna archaío vythisméno ploío sto opoío i Faídra eíche anakalýpsei to ágalma. O Kálnter ypopsiázetai to schédio . Taftóchrona O Pármalis stélnei éna mínyma sto Rif, ton Alvanó sýntrofo tis Faídras. To schédio eínai os exís: I Faídra tha chorépsei to vrády gia ton Kálnter. Óso o Kálnter eínai apascholiménos, o Rif tha párei to skáfos, tha arpázei to ágalma apo tin spiliá kai tha to paradósei sto Pármali o opoíos tha vrísketai se mia vrachonisída dípla stin Ýdra. To vrády o Nantápoulos páei stin tavérna gia na erevnísei tin ypóthesi. Ekeí i Faídra chorévei kathós o erotevménos Kálnter tin parakoloutheí. O Rif vrískei tin efkairía kai févgei. Sýntoma érchetai o Níkos o opoíos pliroforeí ton Kálnter oti to giot éfyge apó to nisí. O Kálnter févgei kai spévdei sto spíti gia na deí an o Rif eínai mésa. I Faídra ton akoloutheí kai ton synantáei sto spíti. I Faídra tou éfchetai na min vrei poté to ágalma giatí voithóntas ton Pármali tha borései o Níkos kai o Rif na zísoun san ánthropoi. O Kálnter tin apokaleí mia apateónissa, mia koiní kléftra afoú éklepse tin ídia tis tin chóra. To ágalma gia ton laó tis Ýdras tha ítan éna eídos perifánias ki éxapsis allá tóra i Faídra tha meínei chorís fílous, geítones allá kai chorís chóra. I sfoungaroú thymónei kai tou léei oti den thélei na ton xanadeí poté. O Kálnter tin ankaliázei kai prospatheí na tin parigorísei. Mazí apofasízoun na páne kai na vroun to ágalma stin spiliá norís to proí.

Stin tainía akoúgetai to tragoúdi «Ti eín? aftó pou to léne agápi» ton Tóny Maroúda (mousikí) kai Giánni Fermánoglou (stíchoi) pou epélexe i Sofía Lóren na tragoudísei kai málista sta elliniká. To tragoúdi metafrástike se arketés glósses. Ta film tis tainías metaférontan stin Athína me to tachýploo «Eriétta» tou Giánni Látsi. Oi diorthóseis stélnontan píso stin Ýdra me tilegrafímata.

PIGI - (sýndesmos epískepsis)

Movie or TV Show: Boy on a Dolphin

Year Released or First Aired: 1,957.00

IMDB Link: [Web Link]

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