Eikenboom bij hunebed D17 - Rolde, the Netherlands
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Becktracker
N 52° 59.410 E 006° 38.966
32U E 342229 N 5873761
An oak tree at least dating to the 19th century next to the hunebed D17 in Rolde, the Netherlands
Waymark Code: WM12JPJ
Location: Drenthe, Netherlands
Date Posted: 06/06/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 7

NL Van hunebedden.nl:

De tweeling D17 en 18 zijn misschien wel de twee meest bekende hunebedden in Nederland. Twee vrij grote hunebedden vlak bij elkaar, uitstekend bereikbaar, onder de rook van Assen. Ze liggen vlak achter de fraaie middeleeuwse Rolder Kerk. Hunebed D17 is niet gerestaureerd. Wellicht is daardoor wel de mooie eikenboom bij het hunebed bewaard gebleven. De boom is namelijk min of meer 'vergroeid' met het het hunebed. De eik bij D17 staat er nog, maar daar is dan alles mee gezegd. Hij is door de bliksem uitgehold, de holte met teer ingesmeerd en met ijzeren pennen in vorm gehouden. Het is een wonder dat-ie nog leeft. Op een afbeelding van 1856 is al een vrij forse eikenboom bij het hunebed afgebeeld (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/D17_(hunebed)#/media/Bestand:Hunebed_van_Rolde_door_Bernardus_Gerardus_ten_Berge.jpg).
ENG From hunebedden.nl:

The twins D17 and 18 are perhaps the two most famous dolmens in the Netherlands. Two fairly large dolmens close together, easily accessible, under the smoke of Assen. They are located right behind the beautiful medieval Rolder Church. Hunebed D17 has not been restored. This may well have preserved the beautiful oak tree at the dolmen. The tree is more or less 'grown' with the hunebed. The oak at D17 is still there, but then everything has been said. It has been eroded by lightning, smeared the cavity with tar and kept in shape with iron pins. It's a wonder he's alive. An image from 1856 already shows a fairly large oak tree near the hunebed (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/D17_(hunebed)#/media/Bestand:Hunebed_van_Rolde_door_Bernardus_Gerardus_ten_Berge.jpg).
Genus/Species: oak

Height: 35

Girth: 6

Method of obtaining height: Sighting along a 45 degree angle

Method of obtaining girth: Arm reaching

Location type: Park

Age: 200

Historical significance:
the tree is interwoven with hunebed D17

Website reference: [Web Link]

Parking coordinates: N 52° 59.391 W 006° 38.922

Walk time: 2

Planter: Not listed

Photograpy coordinates: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.
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