L'arbre de la liberté - Sézanne - France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
N 48° 43.505 E 003° 43.368
31U E 553157 N 5397148
Sur le mail des cordeliers est planté cet arbre de la liberté qui commémore les cents ans de la révolution de 1848. On the mall of the cordeliers is planted this tree of freedom which commemorates the hundred years of the revolution of 1848.
Waymark Code: WM13CYQ
Location: Grand-Est, France
Date Posted: 11/10/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 7

Sur le panneau

"Héritier des fêtes païennes des arbres de mai, l'arbre de la Liberté est devenu un symbole de l'idéal révolutionnaire à partir de la Révolution de 1789.
Plus de 60 000 arbres sont plantés en 1792, le plus souvent des peupliers en raison de l'origine latine du nom « populus » signifiant peuple.
La Révolution de 1848 provoque une deuxième vague de commémorations et un peuplier aujourd’hui disparu est planté « place de la Cave-au-Lard » qui devient place de la Liberté par la suite. Un siècle plus tard, en souvenir de la Révolution de 1848, le Comité Départemental Marnais organise plusieurs manifestations et c'est ainsi que ce frêne est planté solennellement sur le mail des Cordeliers, le 14 mars 1948."

On the panel

"Heir to the pagan festivals of the May trees, the Tree of Liberty has become a symbol of the revolutionary ideal since the Revolution of 1789.
More than 60,000 trees were planted in 1792, mostly poplars because of the Latin origin of the name "populus" meaning people.
The Revolution of 1848 provoked a second wave of commemorations and a poplar that has now disappeared was planted on the "Place de la Cave-au-Lard" which later became the Place de la Liberté. A century later, in remembrance of the 1848 Revolution, the Marne Departmental Committee organized several demonstrations and this is how this ash tree was solemnly planted on the Cordeliers mall on March 14, 1948".
Qui a placé ce repère historique ? / Who placed this historical marker ?:
Ville de Sézanne

Date de placement / Date of establishment: Not listed

Site internet / Internet Website: Not listed

Eléments cryptés / Encrypted elements: Not listed

Conditions de visite alternatives / Alternative visit requirements: Not listed

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[ENG] A proof of your visit is needed. Join a picture from the historical and cultural marker to your log or respond to the alternative question proposed by owner if available (if you can't provide a picture).
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