Thusnelda - Hermann, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
N 38° 42.254 W 091° 26.262
15S E 635847 N 4285114
Marker in the Crown Suites math does not work...if born in 10BC and child born in 15AD...that makes her 25....not 15...
Waymark Code: WM13FD8
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 11/30/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Geo Ferret
Views: 1

County of marker: Gasconade County
Location of marker: Market St. & E. 4th St., SE corner, Crown Suites, New Haven

Marker Text:

(c. 10 BC ~ Unknown)
was a Germanic noble woman captured by Germanicus, the grandson of Augustus and leader of an army that invaded Germania. Thusnelda, who against her father's wishes had married Arminius and was carrying their only child, Thumelicus (15AD ~ 47AD). She had become the prisoner of Germanicus and was never to be with Arminius again. She may have died at the age of 15.

Web link: [Web Link]

History of Mark:
"Thusnelda had been betrothed when she was abducted by Arminius, making "himself the hated son-in-law of a hostile father, and a relationship which cements the affection of friends now stimulated the fury of enemies" (I.55). Indeed, early in the spring of AD 15 Germanicus was obliged to rescue Segestes and many of his relatives and dependents when they were besieged by Arminius—including Thusnelda, who her father admitted was there only by force, "though there was more of the husband than the father in that temper which sustained her, unconquered to a tear, without a word of entreaty, her hands clasped tightly in the folds of her robe and her gaze fixed on her heavy womb" (I.57; I.55). As to Arminius, he "was driven frantic by the seizure of his wife and the subjugation to slavery of her unborn child" (I.59). Nor was he later mollified by the assurances of his brother Flavus, who was serving Rome as a mounted scout. In AD 16, prior to a battle on the Weser River (II.16), an argument had broken out between the two. Both shouting across the river, Flavus insisted that "Even Arminius' wife and child were not treated as enemies" (II.10).

"When Thusnelda was captured by Germanicus, Segestes put to him that "It is for you to settle which shall count the more—that she had conceived by Arminius, or that she was begotten by me" (I.58) and, although Segestes had been promised indemnity, Thusnelda and the son she bore in captivity were paraded before Tiberius. Thumelicus, the son, was reared in Ravenna and, in a lost book of Tacitus, was said to have suffered later his own, presumably public, humiliation (I.58). Ravenna had been where Julius Caesar waited before crossing the Rubicon into Italy proper, appearing "at a public show inspecting the plans of a gladiatorial school which he intended building" (Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar, XXXI). Indeed, the town was considered "to be so healthful that the rulers have given orders to feed and train the gladiators there" (Strabo, V.1.7). It sometimes has been presumed, therefore, that, because Thumelicus was reared in Ravenna, where there was a school for gladiators, he was trained as one himself." ~ University of Chicago

Additional point: Not Listed

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