Rogalinek - Wielkopolskie, Poland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member sernikk
N 52° 15.225 E 016° 53.482
33U E 629101 N 5790946
Wooden welcome sign of the small town Rogalinek
Waymark Code: WM13MYF
Location: Wielkopolskie, Poland
Date Posted: 01/11/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 3

Drewniany znak znajduje sie w poblizu mostu na rzece Warcie, przy jednej z dróg wjazdowych. Na znaku widnieje napis: "Rogalinek wita od roku 1247".
This wooden sign is located near the bridge over Warta river, at one of the entry roads. It states: "Rogalinek welcomes since year 1247".
Type of community: Town

Visit Instructions:
More pictures of the sign would be great. Try and take a picture of yourself with it if you can!
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