Crystal Spring - Florence, KS
Posted by: The Snowdog
N 38° 15.945 W 096° 56.260
14S E 680421 N 4237312
This marker is at Crystal Spring, one of the largest springs in the Flint Hills and the principal water supply for Florence, Kansas.
Waymark Code: WM14MTJ
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 07/28/2021
Views: 2
This marker is at Crystal Spring, one of the largest springs in the Flint Hills. This spring serves as the principal water supply for Florence. Access is via a rough dirt and rock road so a high clearance vehicle or 4x4 may be necessary.
Marker Name: Crystal Spring
Marker Type: Other (Please identify in marker text)
This site is said to have been a favorite camping ground of the Indians. Patent on this land was filed by James D. Riggs on April 25, 1876. Ralph Robison, who purchased the property July 31, 1915, signed a ninety-nine year least on July 20, 1920 with the City of Florence for water rights. The city paid $10,000 for the first year and #$00 each year for the remainder of the lease. This included four acres and right-of-way for the access road and water main. Crystal Spring, also known as Riggs Spring or City Spring, is one of the largest single springs in the Flint Hills.
The building houses the pumping equipment used to pump the water to the water tower (built in 1887) west of the city. The pump as the capacity to deliver up to 370 gallons per minute to the water tower. Except for a brief time in 1951, after flood waters covered the pump, a continuous water supply has met the needs of the city with a large amount of overflow into the creek bed below the water works. A well was dug in the vicinity of the spring to serve as an auxiliary supply in case of need.
With the passing of Robison in 1960, the land and spring was left to Father Flanigan's Boy's Home of Omaha and the Methodist Children's Home at Newton. In 1961 the property was purchased by John Deforest of Peabody and remains in the family today.
- 2009 -
Marker Location: Marion
Year Marker Placed: 01/01/2009
Name of agency setting marker: Other (Please identify in marker text)
Marker Web Address: [Web Link]
Official Marker Number: Not listed
Visit Instructions: Must log an original UNPHOTOSHOPPED picture of you or your GPSr at the marker. Please tell some background of what you learned or how you found the marker.
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