A family affair
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Volcanoguy
N 44° 40.610 W 124° 04.780
10T E 414428 N 4947618
This sign is located at the west base of the Yaquina Head Lighthouse.
Waymark Code: WM14V0
Location: Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 01/14/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member TheBeanTeam
Views: 12

This sign is located near the Yaquina Head Lighthouse.

Marker Name: A family affair
Marker Text: Even though Newport was only four miles (7 km) away, bad weather, poor roads, and the demands of their work combined to tie the keepers and their families to the Yaquina Head Light Station.
What did they do?
They caught, shot and grew their own food
”Keepers whitewashing the garden fence and weeding the garden also today.” - June 8, 1887
”2nd Asst. went up north beach trout fishing.” - June 9, 1887
”1st Asst. killed two calves today.” - September 22, 1888
They coped with the weather
”. . . when there were big storms and the seas were rough, it would make a roar and shake the house . . . The spray from the ocean, when the seas were rough, would spray clear up to the house.” - Marguerite Canterbury (born at Yaquina Head light station on June 18, 1916; daughter of First Assistant Fred Joseph Booth)
They entertained themselves
”. . . on one occasion my father dressed in mother’s colothes, my mother dressed in Herbert Higgins’ uniform, and my sister dressed up. That was fun!” - Kathleen (Booth) Labarre, who lived at the station (1914-18) when her father was First Assistant.
Some of the women became “keeps”
”Mrs. M.J. Pl;ummer went on duty as laborer today until a 2nd Asst. arrives at the station.” - August 17,1888
In the long history of staffed U.S. lighthouses a number of women, usually wives or daughters of keepers, served as keepers.
They sometimes died
”Moderate to fresh breezes S. to S.E. these 24 hours last 12 hours some damp fog sea moderately smooth Keeper Capt. S.L. Wass died at 2 P.M.” - February 9, 1886

Historic Topic: Pioneer

Group Responsible for placement: BLM

Marker Type: Roadside

Region: Coast

County: Deschutes

State of Oregon Historical Marker "Beaver Board": Not listed

Web link to additional information: Not listed

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