Sacred Heart of Jesus - Conneaut Lake, PA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member jonathanatpsu
N 41° 36.133 W 080° 18.871
17T E 557122 N 4605839
A statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the cemetery behind Our Lady, Queen of the Americas Church in Conneaut Lake, PA
Waymark Code: WM150CZ
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 09/22/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 0

This statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is located in the cemetery behind Our Lady, Queen of the Americas Church on the corner of Water and South 9th Streets in Conneaut Lake, PA. The statue is on a stone pedestal surrounded by a small garden. The statue depicts Christ with His right hand raised in blessing and His left hand pointing to His Sacred Heart.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh. He was born of the Virgin Mary nearly two thousand years ago in the city of Bethlehem. At about 30 years of age, Jesus began preaching, calling men to repentance and to love of God and neighbor. Within three years of his public ministry beginning, Jesus was arrested, scourged, and crucified. He died on the cross and was laid in a tomb. On the third day, however, He rose from the dead and began appearing to his disciples. He told them to go throughout the word preaching and baptizing. He ascended into heaven and Christians believe that those who believe in Him and follow His commandments will be saved when He comes again to judge the world.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus began in the 17th century, based on visions St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun, had of Our Lord. In these visions, Our Lord requested that special devotions be made to His Sacred Heart, as well as acts of reparation, keeping holy hours, and receiving communion on First Fridays. The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on the Friday after the second Sunday after Pentecost.
Associated Religion(s): Roman Catholic

Statue Location: Our Lady, Queen of the Americas Church & Cemetery

Entrance Fee: None

Artist: Not listed

Website: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.
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