Pointe du Cap Corse - Ersa - France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
N 43° 00.146 E 009° 22.158
32T E 530100 N 4761150
De Tollare, admirable petit port, un sentier, en partie celui des douaniers, permet de rejoindre le Capo Grosso où est construit le sémaphore du Cap Corse : endroit souvent considéré comme le plus sauvage de Corse et très exposé aux vents forts.
Waymark Code: WM157YB
Location: Corse, France
Date Posted: 11/03/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 6

From Tollare, an admirable little port, a path, partly that of the customs officers, leads to Capo Grosso where the semaphore of Cap Corse is built: a place often considered as the wildest of Corsica and very exposed to strong winds.

Location Name: Le cap Corse

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