La chapelle Saint Laurent - Levie - France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
N 41° 43.272 E 009° 07.984
32T E 511067 N 4618830
La chapelle encore présente sur le site est dédiée à San Lorenzu et fût bâtie au XVIIème siècle à proximité de la chapelle médiévale dont on peut voir les fondations. Les pierres de cette dernière ont servi pour rebâtir le nouvel oratoire.
Waymark Code: WM15DQY
Location: Corse, France
Date Posted: 12/15/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 5

The chapel still present on the site is dedicated to San Lorenzu and was built in the 17th century near the medieval chapel whose foundations can be seen. The stones of the latter were used to rebuild the new oratory.

La Chapelle Saint Laurent à Capula


C'est sur le site archéologique de Capula que demeure la Chapelle St Laurent.
La chapelle d'origine fut construite au Moyen-Age pendant le XIIIe siècle, lors de l'âge de bronze où les deux seigneurs de l'époque se faisaient la guerre.
En effet, Sinuncellu di a Rocca, Ghjudici di Cinarca est vaincu par le seigneur de Capula, Ladro Biancolacci; qui jouera un rôle fondamental dans l'histoire locale. Celui-ci (envoyé par le pape pour la reconquête de l'île sur les Sarrasins) s'installe dans le château de son ennemi et développe son siège de pouvoir où il construira la chapelle St Laurent.
La chapelle actuelle est dédiée à San Larenzu et fut reconstruite au XVIIe à proximité de la chapelle médiévale dont on peut encore voir les fondations. Les pierres de cette dernière ont servi pour rebâtir le nouvel oratoire. Une messe y est toujours célébrée le 9 Août (veille de la Saint Laurent), où les gens du village de Livia viennent en pèlerinage à la vielle chapelle de leurs aïeux.
Il est possible de la visiter grâce à la randonnée Casteddu Di Cucuruzzu.

The Saint Laurent Chapel in Capula

It is on the archeological site of Capula that the Chapel of St. Laurent remains.
The original chapel was built in the Middle Ages during the 13th century, when the two lords of the time were at war with each other.
In fact, Sinuncellu di a Rocca, Ghjudici di Cinarca is defeated by the lord of Capula, Ladro Biancolacci; who will play a fundamental role in the local history. This one (sent by the pope for the reconquest of the island on the Saracens) settles in the castle of his enemy and develops his seat of power where he will build the chapel of St. Laurent.
The present chapel is dedicated to San Larenzu and was rebuilt in the 17th century near the medieval chapel, the foundations of which can still be seen. The stones of the latter were used to rebuild the new oratory. A mass is always celebrated here on August 9 (the day before Saint Lawrence's Day), when the people of Livia come in pilgrimage to the old chapel of their ancestors.
It is possible to visit it thanks to the Casteddu Di Cucuruzzu hike.

Translated with (free version)

Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 01/01/1650

Age of Church building determined by?: Cornerstone or plaque

If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: Catholic

Street address of Church:
Site de Cucuruzzu
Levie, France

Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: Not listed

If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Not listed

Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: Not Listed

Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: Not listed

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