Kastanjeboom Kasteel Montfoort - Montfoort, the Netherlands
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Becktracker
N 52° 02.663 E 004° 57.001
31U E 633731 N 5767768
150 year old chestnut tree in the middle of the castle grounds in Montfoort
Waymark Code: WM15HTB
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Date Posted: 01/09/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 9

NL Van bron
Goed nieuws voor de fans van de kastanjeboom bij Het Kasteel in Montfoort. De laatst overgebleven kastanjemastodont lijkt de ‘trektest’ afgelopen week (september 2021) glansrijk te hebben doorstaan.

Met een flinke kabel tussen de boom en de bus van de boomonderzoeker is deze week onderzocht hoe de conditie is van de 150 jaar oude kastanjeboom. ,,De eerste resultaten zijn goed, maar het onderzoeksrapport is nog niet helemaal af’’, vertelt een gemeentewoordvoerder met een slag om de arm.

De mastodont is de oudste van twee kastanjebomen waarvan de 80-jarige kastanje in 2018 moest worden gekapt door een flinke schimmelinfectie. Die boom leefde voort in kunstwerken, gemaakt door onder andere de Montfoortse kunstenaar Maarten Schepers.
ENG From
Good news for fans of the chestnut tree at Het Kasteel in Montfoort. The last remaining chestnut mastodon seems to have passed the 'pull test' last week (September 2021) with flying colors.

Using a large cable between the tree and the tree researcher's bus, the condition of the 150-year-old chestnut tree was examined this week. "The initial results are good, but the research report is not yet completely finished," says a municipal spokesperson with a sigh of relief.

The mastodon is the oldest of two chestnut trees, of which the 80-year-old chestnut had to be cut down in 2018 due to a serious fungal infection. That tree lived on in works of art made by, among others, the Montfoort artist Maarten Schepers.
Genus/Species: chestnut

Height: 40

Girth: 12

Method of obtaining height: Sighting along a 45 degree angle

Method of obtaining girth: Arm reaching

Location type: Other public property

Age: 150

Historical significance:
The tree is standing in the courtyard of castle Montfoort

Website reference: [Web Link]

Parking coordinates: N 52° 02.668 E 004° 57.043

Walk time: 5

Planter: Not listed

Photograpy coordinates: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.
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