Lucky 7 - Brechin West, Angus, Scotland
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member creg-ny-baa
N 56° 43.841 W 002° 39.712
30V E 520688 N 6287458
Lucky 7 centred around Brechin Cathedral and the western part of the Scottish town in the county of Angus.
Waymark Code: WM15ZG3
Location: Northern Scotland, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 03/31/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 1

This Lucky 7 covers the area to the west of the town centre of Brechin in the county of Angus in Scotland. It is mainly based at the town's cathedral which is situated down narrow streets towards the south-western edge of the town, the cathedral itself and its Wikipedia entry are two of the waymarks, the other five are:

The Round Tower. The 106 feet high former bell tower dating from the 11th century is attached to the south-west corner of the cathedral and was part of the former church that stood on the site.

The Round Tower Historic Marker. An information sign situated at the foot of the tower.

The cathedral cemetery. An old graveyard which almost surrounds the cathedral, containing many old gravestones and artefacts.

Maisondieu Car Park Electric Car Chargers. A couple of Evolt chargers in the car park near the town centre.

Brechin Bowling Club. Established in 1862, the bowling green is situated between Argyll Street and St Andrew Street in Victorian suburbia to the north-west of the town centre.

Department Number, Category Name, and Waymark Code:

2 Buildings WM15HAJ
3 Business WM12Q7X
6 History WM15NN0
8 Monuments WM15NGN
11 Recreation WM15XMC
13 Structures WM15M5F
14 Technology WM15Z5B

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