Monasterio De Nuestra Señora De La Victoria, Daimiel (Ciudad Real)
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Wizard_Speed_Time
N 39° 04.214 W 003° 36.719
30S E 447059 N 4324748
Escudo de archidiócesis en relieve en la fachada del convento - Coat of arms of the archdiocese in relief on the façade of the convent -
Waymark Code: WM16227
Location: Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Date Posted: 04/17/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 0

La escultura se trata de un escudo en relieve en la fachada del convento. El escudo es episcopal y consiste en las armas de una archidiócesis, junto con el solideo del arzobispo. En el escudo podemos ver cuatro palos en el flaco derecho, un castillo en el cuartel izquierdo superior y un león rampante en el cuartel izquierdo inferior.


The sculpture is a shield in relief on the facade of the convent. The coat of arms is episcopal and consists of the arms of an archdiocese, along with the archbishop's skullcap. On the shield we can see four sticks on the right flank, a castle on the upper left quarter and a rampant lion on the lower left quarter.
Your impression of the sculpture?:

Date Sculpture was opened for vewing?: 01/01/1627

Website for sculpture?: [Web Link]

Where is this sculpture?:
Calle de Mínimas, 13
Daimiel, Castilla-La Mancha Spain

Sculptors Name: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
1. Provide a tasteful picture of the sculpture, with another point of view from the original(no pictures of GPSr or yourself).

2. Provide your thoughts on the sculpture and your impression of it.

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Wizard_Speed_Time visited Monasterio De Nuestra Señora De La Victoria, Daimiel (Ciudad Real) 04/18/2022 Wizard_Speed_Time visited it