La cathédrale Saint-Jean Baptiste - Calvi - France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
N 42° 34.090 E 008° 45.625
32T E 480336 N 4712889
Nichée au sommet de la jolie citadelle de Calvi, la cathédrale Saint-Jean Baptiste en est l'un des principaux monuments, et l'un des plus remarquables aussi.
Waymark Code: WM16327
Location: Corse, France
Date Posted: 04/24/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Iris & Harry
Views: 4

Nestled at the top of the pretty citadel of Calvi, the Saint-Jean Baptiste cathedral is one of the main monuments, and one of the most remarkable too.

La cathédrale Saint-Jean Baptiste


Fondée à la fin du XIIIème, elle fut détruite et agrandie à plusieurs reprises jusqu’au XVIIIème, d’où son plan centré en croix grecque couvert par une coupole octogonale.

Dédiée à St Jean-Baptiste en 1528 et érigée en cathédrale par Grégoire XIII en 1576, elle recèle des œuvres exceptionnelles : un retable, signé Barbagelata, daté de 1498, figure l’Annonciation entourée de saints et de scènes de la vie de la Vierge sur la prédelle.

Le maître autel, en marbre polychrome, dans la veine très élégante de la Renaissance ligure, a été offert par une famille calvaise au XVIIème.

A sa gauche, l’autel du rosaire, également en marbre polychrome, abrite une statue processionnelle très vénérée : la Vierge du Rosaire venue d’Espagne au XVIème.

Lui faisant pendant, un autel en stucco lustro présente le Christ Noir dit des Miracles, en bois peint de facture florentine, enrichi d’un perizonium en argent repoussé, dont la forte dévotion populaire a permis la victoire lors du siège de 1555.

Un important baptistère en marbre offert par Giovan Antonio Vincentello, en 1569, témoigne de l’enrichissement de certains calvais expatriés au Nouveau Monde.

Une chaire à prêcher en bois doré, datée de 1757, complète ce beau témoignage architectural de l’art baroque.

The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

Founded at the end of the 13th century, it was destroyed and enlarged several times until the 18th century, hence its central Greek cross plan covered by an octagonal dome.

Dedicated to St. John the Baptist in 1528 and erected as a cathedral by Gregory XIII in 1576, it contains exceptional works: an altarpiece, signed Barbagelata, dated 1498, depicts the Annunciation surrounded by saints and scenes from the life of the Virgin on the predella.

The high altar, in polychrome marble, in the very elegant vein of the Ligurian Renaissance, was donated by a Calvary family in the 17th century.

To its left, the altar of the Rosary, also in polychrome marble, houses a highly venerated processional statue: the Virgin of the Rosary who came from Spain in the 16th century.

A stucco lustro altar is located next to the Virgin of the Rosary, which is made of Florentine painted wood and enriched with a silver embossed perizonium, whose strong popular devotion led to its victory during the 1555 siege.

An important marble baptistery donated by Giovan Antonio Vincentello in 1569 testifies to the wealth of some Calvay expatriates in the New World.

A gilded wooden pulpit, dated 1757, completes this beautiful architectural testimony of Baroque art.

Translated with (free version)

Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 01/01/1628

Age of Church building determined by?: Church website

If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: Catholic

If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: From: 9:00 AM To: 5:00 PM

If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Sunday

Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: 11:00 AM

Street address of Church:
Place de la cathédrale
Calvi, France

Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

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seal13 visited La cathédrale Saint-Jean Baptiste - Calvi - France 08/29/2022 seal13 visited it