317 North Sixth Street - St. Charles, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
N 38° 47.145 W 090° 29.242
15S E 718243 N 4296000
This is building number 87 on the NRHP Listing. Being bult in 1860, one of the first houses in this area.
Waymark Code: WM172RN
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 11/27/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member iconions
Views: 0

County of building: Saint Charles County
Location of structure: N 6th St., 2nd house S of Adams St., W side, St. Charles
Built: 1860
Architect/Builder: Unknown
Architectural Style: Federal
Original Occupant: Major Reuben G. Ross

Marker Text:

317 North Sixth Street
This home's construction is pre-Civil War. It is believed to have been built in 1860 for Major R. G. Ross and his wife Ann Powell, the daughter of St. Charles' first mayor, Ludwell Powell.

A unique, two story brick oven-house with an open fireplace which could have been used to smoke meat and fish, bake bread, and wash cloths stands in excellent condition behind the house.

The original floors in the foyer and dinning room are planks of varying widths ranging from 4 to 8 inches and are made of pine.

History of Mark:
"Built: 1860 circa
Style/Design: Federal
The plaque in the front yard states that the house is believed to have been built by Major Reuben G. Ross and his wife Ann Powell, daughter of the city’s first mayor, Ludwell Powell. Information in the address files of the St. Charles County Historical Society indicates that Ludwell Powell deeded the property to the Rosses in 1860. After Ludwell Powell’s death in 1864, the Rosses inherited additional land and eventually created the Reuben G. Ross Partition in blocks 206, 207, 222, 223, and 244 (between Monroe and Jefferson and Sixth and Ninth Streets), but not including 317 North Sixth Street. The 1891-92 city directory indicates that the Rosses owned the house at that time, but other names are listed on the property on the 1875 atlas and 1905 plat map. The name on the 1875 atlas is difficult to read but appears to be R. Murtelmann, while the name on the 1905 plat map is Bruns. In the 1906 city directory the occupants were listed as Jule W. and Martha Powell, and he was a travelling salesman.
  From 1910 through 1922 Frank and Emma Bezzenberger were the residents, and he was an agent for Wells Fargo Express and American Express. Between 1925 and 1928 two different families lived here, and from 1929 through 1934 Cletus J. and Marie McMenamy were the occupants. Mr. McMenamy was a laborer at the American Car and Foundry Co. From 1938 through 1942 Earl H. and Martha Luetkemeyer were the residents. In 1938 Mr. Luetkemeyer was employed at the International Shoe Co., but after that time he was a draftsman. From 1945-1961, when research ended, the home was occupied by Emma Boschert, the widow of Herbert.

"Situated on an elevated lot, this diminutive one-and-one-half story, painted brick, Federal style structure has a side-gabled roof trimmed with a brick entablature having a denticulated frieze. An exterior end chimney is at the east end of the north elevation, while interior end chimneys with corbelled caps are on the south end of the front slope of the roof and both ends of the rear slope. The front slope of the roof is pierced by a gabled dormer with two 6/6 windows, and the walls are clad with shingles that create a circular pattern. The entrance, which is located at the south end of the three-bay main façade, is a wood door with four raised panels, and the door is flanked by three-light sidelights set above paneled skirts. An eleven-light transom spans the door and sidelights, and the frontispiece is composed of plain pilasters supporting an entablature. There is no porch or stoop—the door opens directly onto a concrete stairway. To the right of the entrance are two 6/6 wood windows with what appears to be painted stone lintels and lug sills, and operable louvered wood blinds protect the windows on the front and side elevations. The north elevation has three 6/6 windows set within low segmental-arched openings while the upper half story has a single 6/6 window within a flat-arched opening. The south elevation has two windows on the first floor and one in the upper half story. A one-story, brick, gabled ell extends from the south end of the rear elevation.

"A stone retaining wall spans the front of this elevated lot, and along the front of the wall is a public sidewalk. A concrete sidewalk with set of six steps leads from the street to the stairway at the entrance. The lot, which is 45’ wide by 153’ deep, has small front and side yards. A magnolia tree is at the northeast corner of the house, and a hedge is along the front wall. The side and rear yards are enclosed by a combination wooden privacy fence and brick wall. In the rear yard is a two-story, gabled, painted brick building that appears to have served as a kitchen. A brick chimney straddles the ridge of the roof at the north end of the building.
  There appears to be a six-light window on the north and west elevations, but the other elevations were not visible from the rear alley

Web link: Not listed

Additional point: Not Listed

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