The Old Stone Church - Maple Grove, KS
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member The Snowdog
N 39° 04.763 W 096° 02.596
14S E 755765 N 4329748
This marker gives some history of the Old Stone Church - in Maple Grove, Kansas.
Waymark Code: WM17YZY
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 04/23/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
Views: 0

This beautiful "Old Stone Church" and cemetery are a few miles west of Maple Grove. The Church still has services on special occasions, and is available for weddings and other events. The associated cemetery has about twelve hundred grave markers.
Marker Name: The Old Stone Church

Marker Type: Other (Please identify in marker text)

Marker text:

Dedicated 1882 as a Mission Church of the Eliot Congregational Church, Newton, Ma.

Services held here until 1905 when a church in town was dedicated. The Rev. W. S. Crouch was pastor 1882-1912. Memorial services held the last Sunday in May. The church is a monument to the spiritual devotion of our forefathers.

Wabaunsee County Historical Society 1982

Marker Location: Wabaunsee

Year Marker Placed: 01/01/1982

Name of agency setting marker: Other (Please identify in marker text)

Marker Web Address: [Web Link]

Official Marker Number: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Must log an original UNPHOTOSHOPPED picture of you or your GPSr at the marker. Please tell some background of what you learned or how you found the marker.
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