Fredericksburg City Dock-Contesting the Crossing - Fredericksburg VA
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Don.Morfe
N 38° 17.791 W 077° 27.218
18S E 285432 N 4241563
Union engineers were constructing a pontoon bridge that would enable Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside’s Army of the Potomac to cross the Rappahannock River and seize Fredericksburg.
Waymark Code: WM18939
Location: Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 06/21/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Turtle3863
Views: 0

Fredericksburg City Dock-Contesting the Crossing
Confederate troops under the command of Gen. William Barksdale were awake and alert here on the morning of December 11, 1862, waiting anxiously for the sun to rise. On the river, unseen in the inky blackness but clearly audible in the night’s stillness, Union engineers were constructing a pontoon bridge that would enable Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside’s Army of the Potomac to cross the Rappahannock River and seize Fredericksburg. Barksdale’s task was to delay the Union crossing long enough for the rest of the Confederate army to take position on the heights behind the town, one mile ahead of you.

As the sun rose, Barksdale’s men could vaguely discern the shadowy figures of the Union engineers, now just a few dozen yards from the Confederate shore. Shots broke down the silence – first one or two, then hundreds. Engineers fell dead on the bridge or dashed to the safety of the opposite shore. Union cannon replied to the Confederate fire with a savage but largely ineffective bombardment of the town. Time and again, engineers dashed out to complete the bridge only to be driven back by sharpshooters concealed behind walls and in houses like the one in front of you.

For ten hours the fighting continued. About 4 p.m., soldiers from New York, Michigan, and Massachusetts rowed across the river under fire and pushed the Confederates back from the water’s edge, The engineers completed the bridges, and the next day more than 30,000 Union soldiers poured across. But Barksdale’s stubborn stand had bought Gen. Robert E. Lee the time he needed to assemble his army on the hills behind the town. The stage was set for a slaughter at Fredericksburg.
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Don.Morfe visited Fredericksburg City Dock-Contesting the Crossing - Fredericksburg VA 06/21/2023 Don.Morfe visited it