Miners Delight: The Boom's Broken Promises - Atlantic City, Wyoming
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Tom.dog
N 42° 31.237 W 108° 43.188
12T E 687298 N 4710102
This historical marker has been set up at the junction of Dickinson Avenue and Fort Stambaugh Road; the well-preserved ghost town of Miners Delight that the marker describes can be explored if one travels eastward down Fort Stambaugh Road.
Waymark Code: WM18MT9
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 08/25/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
Views: 0

The text on the sign reads:


As the news of gold spread, the Sweetwater Mining District filled with miners who established Hamilton City about two miles east of here in 1867. The following year, the name of the town changed to Miners Delight, after a highly productive nearby mine. The Miners Delight mine produced the greatest wealth of any in the mining district while the town remained the smallest and most isolated. According to a 1916 government report, the Miners Delight mine and surrounding placers had produced over $2.5 million. The town's population peaked around 100 in 1868. Its residents built log cabins, saloons, general stores, a hotel, and a stamp mill.

By 1870, the gold boom had ended. Over the next 70 years, the deserted town witnessed several mini-booms that brought a short-lived rush of people to Miners Delight. The last resident left in the 1970's, at which time the Bureau of Land Management purchased the town's buildings. Now, only the ruins of the once booming town remain.
Marker Name: Miners Delight: The Boom's Broken Promises

Marker Type: Rural Roadside

Group Responsible for Placement: State of Wyoming

Date Dedicated: Not Listed

Marker Number: Not Listed

Web link(s) for additional information: [Web Link]

Addtional Information: Not listed

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