La Fábrica de Artillería, al servicio de la Inteligencia Artificial con el festival OFFF Sevilla - Sevilla, Andalucía, España
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Festival with AI
Waymark Code: WM193R4
Location: Andalucía, Spain
Date Posted: 11/20/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member wayfrog
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"The International Festival of Creativity, Design and Digital Culture, OFFF Seville, will celebrate its fifth edition from December 1 to 4 with a great display, becoming the referring meeting in southern Europe on creativity, design and digital culture: An essential event that will bring together the most innovative minds in the sector, being the great gateway for an entire community in search of inspiration, knowledge, learning and new networks. Although it posted the sold out sign for its season tickets more than a month ago, you can still purchase tickets for some of its workshops and enjoy the activities open to the public at its opening and closing.
OFFF Seville 2022, which is celebrated with the support of the Institute of Culture and the Arts (ICAS) of the Seville City Council, will take place this year in the emblematic Royal Artillery Factory of Seville: a location with four centuries of history and is one of the industrial architectural jewels of the city of Seville. An ideal space to explore for the first time and look at the future of digital art through new proposals from global artists such as Alex Trochut, Hvass&Hannibal or Zigor Samaniego, among more than one twenty names that will participate in it. From Los Angeles to Copenhagen, passing through New York, Mexico City or London in a meeting that exudes talent, creativity and personality.
This year's motto, 'made for the curious', represents the spirit of innovation and advancement for the advocated by OFFF Sevilla 2022. Moving away from the foreseeable, the Festival is committed to going beyond the known universe, to pose new challenges and challenges. Therefore, the idea of ??this event is to share new experiences and enhance collaboration between 'curious minds', both national and international. of the world. Whether in the form of talks, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, performances or meetings, OFFF Sevilla offers the opportunity to discover the latest trends on the international scene.
As the coordinator of this festival, Virginia Moriche points out, «in this fifth edition of OFFF Seville, after changing venues in years previous ones, the idea was to establish ourselves in the Royal Artillery Factory as our headquarters. We proposed it to the mayor, Antonio Muñoz, as a place united with culture and innovation . That's why we fit well with the philosophy of this space. Furthermore, another great novelty - he continues - is that we are going to open to the public with activities open to the general public until capacity is reached. On the opening day this Thursday, viewers will be able to enjoy the exhibition 'On / OFFF' and you can even take home one of the NFTs. There will also be an inaugural concert with a collaboration with the Granada electronic music duo Matsu, who will perform with the visual artist Josue Ibañez, who comes from Mexico City. They have already collaborated on other occasions.
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Moriche also highlights the closing day on Sunday, which will also be open to the public. There will be a jam sessions with electronic music and live illustration. It will be a five-hour session, from 12 to 5 p.m. «They will participate Irene Mala, Pablo Little and Chiqui López. With Proaudio Electronic Music School we are going to have up to eight musicians improvising live with these illustrators.
«The leitmotiv of this edition is also very important, 'made for the curious'. Curious people are open to new experiences and new generation technologies. It is interesting what possibilities Artificial Intelligence, NFTs, the Metaverse, Big Data offer. How human perception adapts to these stimuli. We look for curious people with people who wonder what is behind these visual stimuli. "We are consumers of images."
Design and art are understood beyond the graphic and for this reason OFFF Sevilla 2022 will offer its participants the exploration of an entire universe of current possibilities that are present and, above all, future. New media, code art, generative art, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, NFTs, Metaverse... new forms that begin to configure the world based on revolutionary interactions between new technologies and human perception. Precisely, this year's dual image opens the debate on the role of human creativity in a world in which artificial intelligence has exploded. Starting from the same concept, the 'made for the curious' on which the edition revolves, the illustrator Daniel Diosdado and the co-creation studio with Artificial Intelligence, Estado Latente, have created two images for the festival from totally different processes. While Diosdado has "generated an image with my usual work procedure (development of ideas, sketches and final art), with the result of an interactive image that ends with the user's intervention", State Latente has used up to five different artificial intelligences, for them, "the creative process starts from the generation of a concept and territory that would allow us to feed the artificial intelligence based on curiosity, starting from of the Festival's claim: made for the curious; The process begins with a question: What has curiosity meant for human beings throughout history? A process that can be seen up close at the Espacio Crea Sevilla Joven, where attendees will be able to choose whether or not to experiment with Artificial Intelligence.
Opening and closing, open to the general public On the opening day, from 4:30 p.m. you can enjoy the crypto art exhibition 'On / OFFF', an exhibition that has the collaboration of CEI (School of Design and Marketing) and that has been created specifically for the event by the Mintamintae collective that brings together more than twenty creators from the national territory. In the exhibition a total of 22 works can be seen and acquired by artists such as Xabier, Zinkete, Zigor, Miriampersand, Pedro J Saavedra, NeoDlx, Microbians, Flanlog, Buba Viedma, Juan Segura, A.balastegui, Joaquín Rodríguez, Tormius, Dsorder, Laprisamata, Ruye, Tavo Studio, Paloma Rincón, Alessiogarcai, Sankalibrado, Noelialozano or Iker Nasarre. The opening day will close at 9:30 p.m., in the imposing Foundry of the Royal Artillery Factory, with the music and visual performance of the Granada experimental music duo Matsu in collaboration with the new media artist from Mexico City, Josue Ibañez.
Five hours of electronic music and live illustration will close OFFF Sevilla on December 4 in a jam session in which a total of fourteen artists, including musicians and visual artists, will participate, although invites the public to join in the celebration. Among the illustrators who will be part of this activity that will start at 12 noon on Sunday and end at 5 p.m., there are names as recognized as the illustrators Pablo Little or Irene Mala, the multifaceted Meri Merino or the tattooed María Saiz, led by the versatile Txiqui López de Diseñodero. On the other side of the ring, David Surex, director of the Proaudio school, has prepared a line up made up of musicians, producers and DJs such as Miguelo Delgado, Lospiestorcidos, Future Ark, Holed Coin, Guillermo Jorge Manjon, Mariano Torres, Mangu Díaz or Nacho Pujol. This activity has the support of Sevilla Joven (Seville City Council) and the collaboration of the Seville Art School.
OFFF Sevilla 2022 presents an excellent and varied program in which the latest in creative avant-garde cannot be missing. Authors of immersive experiences such as the Mexican Josue Ibañez, a tracker of technological aesthetics with works that have been exhibited at festivals and museums such as SXSW, Todays Art Japan, Day for Night Houston, among others. Neil Mendoza who combines sculpture, electronics and software to give life to inanimate objects and spaces in a surreal way, brands such as Accenture, Adidas, Adobe and IBM have turned to his works while his works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica Center, Arena 1 Gallery, The Museum of London, The Science Museum or The Barbican, in addition to appearing on the BBC. Another big name is Dr. Woohoo who delves into CNC machines, 3D printing and robots; and with self-taught training he has come to work for Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator and Meow Wolf on the architecture of their plug-ins. The presence of Latent State stands out, a duo formed by Ruth Falquina and Ángel Alonso, known for being the spearhead of techno-creativity, branding, innovation and digital design from Cádiz to the rest of the world. Two decades of innovation behind them that has allowed them to work all over the world, from Japan to Colombia, for Samsung, Basque Culinary Center, Netflix, Toyota , Apple, United Nations, Movistar or Google. They are the creators of the artificial intelligence Aiko, considered a third member of the group, with which they have created the first cover in Spain through AI, for Yorokobu.
The power of the intangible The openness of the festival can be observed with the presence of the visual artists Zinkete and Zigor Samaniego from the collective Mintamintae, which will offer an introduction to the recent market of cryptoart, the metaverse and bitcoins. A world where the tangible is no longer so relevant with new ways of conceiving and relating to art that have evolved to the next technological level. In this sense, one of the big names of this edition is that of Barcelona native Alex Trochut. From Brooklyn he has signed works for The New York Times, Pepsi or< /span> among others, witnessing an unmistakable and expressive style in design, illustration and typography that make her unique. His commitment to encrypted digital assets tells us about the multidisciplinary nature of an artist who embraces the most cutting-edge technology and who has become an international reference. Katy Perry
Some of the most outstanding studios and personalities on the current scene come to OFFF Sevilla 2022 to share their mastery with the audience. One of the most anticipated interventions will be that of Natasha Jen. Partner of Pentagram, the considered most prestigious design consultancy in the world, she is an artist who is characterized by her innovation as she is able to go beyond conventional genres of the media through broad cultural, historical and digital references. Chosen as one of the nine 'Designers Who Matter' by the prestigious magazine Wired in 2014 is a true leader within the sector.
The FOREAL agency, located in the German city of Trier, is a benchmark in illustration, CGI animation and art direction, in which the care of small details, intense colors and extraordinary compositions serve as its hallmark. identity. This is confirmed by his work for Mercedes, Microsoft, Netflix, LG, Swatch and Ikea among others.
The Danes Hvass&Hannibal and the national talent of Cachetejack are samples of creative minds with a unique personality. The former for their way of expanding the limits of graphic design while the latter are capable of creating colorful works in which they transmit an unusual joie de vivre. Both dare to use all types of formats, demonstrating their creative versatility. Motion graphic design is one of the great disciplines within animation and for this reason the festival will host great experts in motion graphics, 3D, VFX and CGI who will show the latest trend in this technique. Among them, the work of PJ Richardson (co-founder of the prestigious Laundry studio in Los Angeles) shines with its own light. He uses design to create joy, clarity and illuminate the world with projects for brands such as Nike, Sony, Uber, Coca Cola, Tyler The Creator or Amazon among others; and the Dutch From Form, who cinematically mix knowledge and imagination in their stories thanks to an elegant art direction that they have developed for clients such as Hyundai, Škoda, HEMA, Willem de Kooning Academy, ABN AMRO, Ace & Tate and Amsterdam Museum Night.
The members of Blow Studio cannot miss this event, dedicated to VFX and CGI production who are behind some chapters from Seville from the popular series that has revolutionized the world of animation, 'Love, Death & Robots' from Netflix. And we must also mention the overflowing imagination that STATE Design makes from Los Angeles for its ingenuity when it comes to creating moving images full of irreverence and fun, as MTV, Nike or Google know well.
This entire cast of artists, creatives, agencies and international studios represents only a part of those who will appear at OFFF Sevilla 2022. The wealth of experiences that the festival will offer from December 1 to 4 will be complemented by talks, meetings, exhibitions, workshops, jam sessions, performances and concerts: activities to inspire and connect ideas as the top priority of the event.
There are two meetings that are already tradition and will not be missing in this edition. The first of them is Ladies, Wine & Design Andalucía, which will bring together the designer, teacher and multidisciplinary artist based in Madrid, Silvia Ferpal (National Design Award 2019), the genuine Palo Graglia from Estudio Santa Rita specialized in animation, illustration, lettering; and the great artist and illustrator María Melero, known for her iconoclastic style wrapped in Andalusian roots. All of them will participate in a conversation about their life experiences in creativity and design.
Cháchará will be an appointment with illustrators that will take us from paper to the metaverse, with the support of Fundación Unicaja and in collaboration with the publication Graficatessen and LAB Seville. In it you can see illustrations made by Paola Villanueva that have been published in media such as Forbes or Vogue; the world of experimentation and technological innovation of the aforementioned Zigor Samaniego and Zinkete of Mintamintae and the appearance of the extraordinary and legendary Sevillian illustrator José Luis Ágreda, internationally recognized for his work on animated characters.
Also with the support of the Unica [...] [...]
Type of publication: Newspaper

When was the article reported?: 11/28/2022

Publication: ABC

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News Category: Arts/Culture

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