Yass Junction Railway Station, Faulder Rd, Yass, NSW, Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member blingg
S 34° 48.537 E 148° 54.911
55H E 675179 N 6146471
A once busy station
Waymark Code: WM199YY
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 01/04/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member CADS11
Views: 0

Located about 3km north of Yass township, Yass Junction Railway Station was opened in 1876 and was known originally as Yass Station. The original station building is a two-storey Victorian Italianate building, originally designed as a combined station building and residence for the Station Master with offices and facilities on the ground floor, and a residence above. The building was originally face brick but has been painted, and features a symmetrical composition of three upper windows and three doors under featuring rendered arch surrounds. The other platform's building (1914) features a standard-design long brick island platform building with attached refreshment rooms.The buildings feature a gabled corrugated iron roof with clerestory roof to the refreshment rooms, decorative gable ends and rendered chimneys. The roof extends to form a platform awning which spans the full length
List: Register of the National Estate

Place ID: 1076

Place File No: 1/08/294/0005

URL database reference: [Web Link]



Year built: 1876 1914

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