Monument des gardes des eaux et forêts - Compiègne, France
Posted by: pmaupin
N 49° 25.672 E 002° 54.389
31U E 493218 N 5475025
[EN] Located at the Armistice clearing, this monument pays tribute to three water and forest guards.
[FR] Situé à la clairière de l'Armistice, ce monument rend hommage à trois gardes des eaux et forêts.
Waymark Code: WM19QZM
Location: Hauts-de-France, France
Date Posted: 04/02/2024
Views: 3
Date the Monument or Memorial was built or dedicated: 11/04/1920
Private or Public Monument?: Government
Name of the Private Organization or Government Entity that built this Monument: Administration des Eaux et Forêts
Geographic Region where the Monument is located: Europe
Website for this Monument: [Web Link]
Physical Address of Monument: Route de Soissons Compiègne, Oise France 60200
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