CONFLUENCE - Liwiec river - Bug river
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member okrutnyb
N 52° 36.041 E 021° 33.533
34U E 537852 N 5827998
The confluence of river Liwiec and river Bug near Kamienczyk.
Waymark Code: WM19Y1H
Location: Mazowieckie, Poland
Date Posted: 05/07/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 2


Liwiec do rzeki plynacej przez województwo mazowieckie o dlugosci ok. 142 kilometry. Ma dwa zródla – glówne nieopodalne wsi Sobicze oraz dodatkowe na terenie wsi Zawady. Rzeka stanowi poludniowa granice historyczna Podlasia. Jest ceniona wsród kajakarzy. Ujscie Liwca do Bugu znajduje sie w poblizu miejscowosci Kamienczyk.

Bug to czwarta pod wzgledem dlugosci rzeki w Polsce, która plynie takze przez Ukraine i Bialorus. Dlugosc rzeki do 772 km, z czego prawie polowa wyplywa w Polsce. Bug ma zródlo w Werchobuzu na Ukrainie. Wplyw na jezioro Zegrzynskiego, zapewnia jednoczesnie lewy doplyw Narwi. Na Golebie – Niemirów stanowi granice z Ukraina i Bialorusia.


[ENG] Liwiec to the river flowing through the Masovian Voivodeship, approximately 142 kilometers long. It has two sources - the main one near the village of Sobicze and additional sources in the village of Zawady. The river constitutes the southern historical border of Podlasie. It is appreciated among kayakers. The mouth of the Liwiec River and the Bug River is located near the town of Kamienczyk.

The Bug is the fourth longest river in Poland, which also flows through Ukraine and Belarus. The length of the river is up to 772 km, almost half of which flows in Poland. The Bug has its source in Verkhobuzh in Ukraine. It influences Zegrze Lake and is also a left tributary of the Narew River. Na Golebie – Niemirów constitutes the border with Ukraine and Belarus.

Trailhead Coordinates: 52.602524452745975, 21.56755519617219

Parking Coordinates: Not listed

Relevant Web Site: Not listed

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