Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Building, Spring St, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member blingg
S 37° 48.526 E 144° 58.343
55H E 321509 N 5813465
The headquarters of the R.A.C.S
Waymark Code: WM1A7XA
Location: Victoria, Australia
Date Posted: 07/05/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Grahame Cookie
Views: 0

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons is located on the site that was occupied by the Model High School, from 1852-1932 and demolished in 1935. The Greek Revival building sits on a sandstone plinth and is constructed of brown bricks set in a Flemish bond with bands of black header courses. There is a string course at the first floor level. An elongated pedimented sandstone portico, with square shaft columns, enhances the tall facade
List: Register of the National Estate

Place ID: 15742

Place File No: 2/11/033/0370

URL database reference: [Web Link]



Year built: 1936

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