Raszyn ponds - Raszyn, Poland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member hacze_losy
N 52° 08.801 E 020° 54.963
34U E 494255 N 5777356
The place prepared for watching birds.
Waymark Code: WM1AMCY
Location: Mazowieckie, Poland
Date Posted: 09/05/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Bear and Ragged
Views: 0

[ENG] In the Raszyn ponds zone there is an iron tower built here for watching birds. There are about 100 species of birds living on the ponds, including grebes, swans, coots, herons, gulls and cormorants. Kingfishers, ospreys, ducks, penduline tits and even white-tailed eagles can also be found here. In the 1970s, a reserve was established here to protect the birds. The bird-watching tower is part of the nature and educational trail that runs through the embankments between the ponds.

[POL] Na terenie stawów raszynskich znajduje sie stalowa wieza, postawiona tu, by mozna bylo obserwowac okoliczne ptaki. Mieszka tu ok. 100 gatunków ptaków, wsród nich perkozy, labedzie, lyski, czaple, mewy, czy kormorany. Spotyka sie tu takze zimorodki, rybolowy, kaczki, remizy a nawet bieliki. W latach 70 XX wieku utworzono tu rezerwat, by chronic ptaki. Wieza do ich obserwacji jest elementem sciezki przyrodniczo edukacyjnej, która przebiega przez groble pomiedzy stawami.
Park Name: Rezerwat przyrody Stawy Raszyńskie

Sponsoring Organization: Regionalny Dyrektor Ochrony Środowiska w Warszawie

Handicap Accessible?: Yes

List any Hides, Birding Towers, or other structures to assist in Birdwatching found at the location:
The tower

Website: Not listed

Entrance Fee: Not Listed

Parking Coordinates: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
A clear, original image is required to log a visit to a waymark in this category. The image must contain a bird at the site, a nest, or other evidence that visitors partook in the delight of birdwatching at this site. Please tell us about your experience with an identification of a bird or two that you've seen!
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