Versión reducida del escudo de Carlos I desde 1520 - Sanclemente, Cuenca, España
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member GURUGU
N 39° 24.188 W 002° 25.754
30S E 549142 N 4361669
Versión reducida del escudo de Carlos I desde 1520.
Waymark Code: WM1ARVZ
Location: Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Date Posted: 10/02/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member rjmcdonough1
Views: 0

En la fachada principal de los Juzgados de San Clemente podemos ver este escudo de Carlos I de España en su versión reducida.

"Escudo de armas Abreviado del emperador Carlos V, I como Rey de España, desde 1520, según la descripción: Las armas de Carlos I añaden a las de Castilla, León, Aragón, Dos Sicilias y Granada, presentes en el escudo anterior, las de Austria (de gules y una faja de plata), Borgoña antiguo (bandado de oro y de azur con bordura de gules) Borgoña moderno (de azur, sembrado de flores de lis de oro y bordura camponada, cantonada de plata y gules), Brabante (de sable y un león de oro, coronado de lo mismo, lenguado y armado de gules), Flandes (de oro y un león de sable, lenguado y armado de gules) y Tirol (partido de plata y un águila de gules, coronada, picada y membrada de oro, cargado el pecho de un cre­ciente trebolado de lo mismo). Carlos I incorpora también las columnas de Hércules con la leyenda “Plus Ultra”, en representación del Imperio ultramarino, y rodea el escudo con el collar del Toisón de Oro, como soberano de dicha Orden. Al ser coronado Emperador en 1519, timbra el escudo con la corona imperial y acola el águila bicéfala del Sacro Imperio Romano-Germánico. A partir de 1520 añade al cuartel correspondiente a Aragón y Sicilia, otro en el que se incorporan las armas de Jerusalén, Nápoles y Navarra."

(visit link)

On the main façade of the San Clemente Courts we can see this shield of Charles I of Spain in its reduced version.

"Abbreviated coat of arms of Emperor Charles V, I as King of Spain, from 1520, according to the description: The arms of Charles I add to those of Castile, León, Aragon, Two Sicilies and Granada, present in the previous shield, the of Austria (gules and a silver sash), ancient Burgundy (band of gold and azure with gules border) modern Burgundy (of azure, dotted with fleurs-de-lys of gold and field border, canton of silver and gules), Brabant (of sable and a lion of gold, crowned with the same, sole and armed gules), Flanders (of gold and a lion of sable, sole and armed gules) and Tyrol (party of silver and an eagle gules, crowned, studded and lined with gold, the chest loaded with a trefoil crescent of the same). Charles I also incorporates the columns of Hercules with the legend “Plus Ultra”, representing the Overseas Empire, and surrounds the shield with the necklace of the Golden Fleece, as sovereign of said Order. Upon being crowned Emperor in 1519, he stamped the shield with the imperial crown and supported the double-headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1520 he added another barracks to the barracks corresponding to Aragon and Sicily, which included the arms of Jerusalem, Naples and Navarre."

(visit link)
Bearer of Coat of Arms: Noble (aristocratic) family

Full name of the bearer: Carlos I de España y V del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico

Where is Coat of Arms installed (short description) ?:
En la fachada principal de los Juzgados.

Material / Design: Stone

Blazon (heraldic description):
Abbreviated coat of arms of Emperor Charles V, I as King of Spain, from 1520, according to the description: The arms of Charles I add to those of Castile, León, Aragon, Two Sicilies and Granada, present in the previous shield, the of Austria (gules and a silver sash), ancient Burgundy (band of gold and azure with gules border) modern Burgundy (of azure, dotted with fleurs-de-lys of gold and field border, canton of silver and gules), Brabant (of sable and a lion of gold, crowned with the same, sole and armed gules), Flanders (of gold and a lion of sable, sole and armed gules) and Tyrol (party of silver and an eagle gules, crowned, studded and lined with gold, the chest loaded with a trefoil crescent of the same). Charles I also incorporates the columns of Hercules with the legend “Plus Ultra”, representing the Overseas Empire, and surrounds the shield with the necklace of the Golden Fleece, as sovereign of said Order. Upon being crowned Emperor in 1519, he stamped the shield with the imperial crown and supported the double-headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1520 he added another barracks to the barracks corresponding to Aragon and Sicily, which included the arms of Jerusalem, Naples and Navarre.

Pl. de la Iglesia, 1, 16600 San Clemente, Cuenca

Web page about the bearer of Coat of Arms (if exists): [Web Link]

Web page about the structure where is Coat of Arms installed (if exists): Not listed

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