Manuel María - Monforte de Lemos, Lugo, España
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member xeocach
N 42° 31.169 W 007° 30.924
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Poeta, narrador e dramaturgo galego. Comprometido co galeguismo foi tamén concelleiro e senador // Galician poet, narrator and playwright. Committed to Galicianism, he was also a councilor and senator
Waymark Code: WM1AT32
Location: Galicia, Spain
Date Posted: 10/03/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 0

[GAL] Monumento adicado a Manuel María. Vemos ao poeta sentado lendo e enfrente del hai unha banqueta para que podamos sentar e interactuar con el, escoitando o que nos está a recitar.

No chán hai unha placa con un fragmento dun dos seus libros, Os lonxes do solpor, publicado en 1993.

O conxunto está realizado en bronce, foi realizado polo escultor José Antonio Ferrera e inaugurado no 2006.

Manuel María Fernández Teixeiro, nado en Outeiro de Rei o 6 de outubro de 1929 e finado na Coruña o 8 de setembro de 2004, foi un poeta, narrador, dramaturgo e académico da lingua galega, destacado polo seu carácter combativo e máis polo seu compromiso político. O 19 de abril do ano 1970 foi elixido membro correspondente da Real Academia Galega, mais renunciou en 1975 ao entender que a institución non estaba á altura que esixía o momento histórico.

Nas eleccións municipais de 1979 presentouse como cabeza de lista á alcaldía de Monforte de Lemos, e foi nomeado concelleiro de Augas e Recollida do lixo. Tras non ser elixido nas eleccións ao Senado de 1982 en representación do BNG, abandonou a militancia política para se dedicar por completo á actividade literaria e cultural. Volveu ingresar na RAG, desta volta como membro de número, o 15 de febreiro de 2003, por proposta de Xosé Luís Franco Grande, Ramón Lorenzo Vázquez e Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín, pronunciando o discurso A Terra Chá: poesía e paisaxe.

Entre os temas dos seus poemas destacan o amor, a arte, o propio compromiso político, a denuncia de eivas, a etnografía, a física, a historia, a inmaterialidade, a mitoloxía, o mundo animal, a palabra poética, o paso do tempo, a relixión, a sociedade, a lingua, os traballos agrarios, o urbanismo ou a xeografía. Apelaba ao regato do Cepelo como outros autores apelaban ao Miño. Adicóuselle o Día das Letras Galegas de 2016.”


[EN] Monument dedicated to Manuel María. We see the poet sitting reading and in front of him is a bench so that we can sit and interact with him, listening to what he is reciting to us.

On the floor there is a plaque with a fragment of one of his books, Os longes do solpor, published in 1993.

The whole is made of bronze, it was made by the sculptor José Antonio Ferrera and inaugurated in 2006.

Manuel María Fernández Teixeiro, born in Outeiro de Rei on October 6, 1929 and died in A Coruña on September 8, 2004, was a poet, narrator, playwright and academic of the Galician language, noted for his combative character and more for his commitment politician On April 19, 1970, he was elected a corresponding member of the Royal Galician Academy, but he resigned in 1975 when he realized that the institution was not up to the level required by the historical moment.

In the municipal elections of 1979, he presented himself as head of the list to the mayor of Monforte de Lemos, and was appointed councilor for Water and Garbage Collection. After not being elected in the 1982 Senate elections representing the BNG, he abandoned political militancy to devote himself entirely to literary and cultural activity. He rejoined the RAG, this time as a number member, on February 15, 2003, at the suggestion of Xosé Luís Franco Grande, Ramón Lorenzo Vázquez and Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín, delivering the speech A Terra Chá: poetry and landscape.

Among the themes of his poems stand out love, art, one's own political commitment, denunciation of wrongdoing, ethnography, physics, history, immateriality, mythology, the animal world, the poetic word, the passage of time , religion, society, language, agricultural work, urbanism or geography. He appealed to the Cepelo stream as other authors appealed to the Miño. The Day of Galician Letters 2016 was dedicated to him.”


URL of the statue: Not listed

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