Lavadero de Rubite - Rubite, Granada, España
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member GURUGU
N 36° 48.570 W 003° 20.911
30S E 468913 N 4073796
La fuente se usaba de excusa por parte de las mujeres del pueblo para lavar la ropa por la tarde-noche y, así esperar a los hombres que bajaban del campo.
Waymark Code: WM1ATKW
Location: Andalucía, Spain
Date Posted: 10/06/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YvesProvence
Views: 2

El uso de esta fuente ha sido principalmente el abastecimiento urbano, pero además tenía asociado un lavadero de origen romano en el que la gente del pueblo se reunía por las mañanas a lavar la ropa y a tenderla al sol en la era que hay justo encima.

"La fuente se encuentra a la entrada de Rubite, donde se aparca con el coche sin dificultad.
El agua tiene un color muy limpio y presenta una muy baja salinidad, siendo ideal para su disfrute como bebida.
Es la fuente que se conoce de "toda la vida" en el pueblo, siendo centro de reuniones y fiestas.
Su uso ha sido principalmente el abastecimiento urbano, pero además tenía asociado un lavadero de origen romano en el que la gente del pueblo se reunía por las mañanas a lavar la ropa y a tenderla al sol en la era que hay justo encima.
Tambien ha sido y es el punto principal para que los mulos que subian y bajaban con almendras del campo bebieran a la salida y entrada al pueblo".

La fuente se usaba de excusa por parte de las mujeres del pueblo para lavar la ropa por la tarde-noche y, así esperar a los hombres que bajaban del campo a esas horas y ser cortejadas por ellos, al encontrarse en la entrada del pueblo, punto obligatorio de paso.

(visit link)

The use of this fountain has been mainly for urban supply, but it was also associated with a laundry of Roman origin where the townspeople gathered in the mornings to wash their clothes and hang them out in the sun on the threshing floor just above.

"The fountain is located at the entrance to Rubite, where you can park your car without difficulty.
The water has a very clean color and has a very low salinity, making it ideal for enjoying as a drink.
It is the fountain that has been known for "all life" in the town, being the center of meetings and festivals.
Its use has been mainly for urban supply, but it also had an associated laundry of Roman origin where the townspeople gathered in the mornings to wash their clothes and hang them out in the sun on the threshing floor just above.
It has also been and is the main point for the mules that went up and down with almonds from the field to drink at the exit and entrance to the town."

The fountain was used as an excuse by the women of the town to wash their clothes in the evening and, thus, wait for the men who came down from the field at that time and be courted by them, when they found themselves at the entrance to the town, Mandatory crossing point.

(visit link)
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