Free WIfi in city - WIFI Hotspots - Lalín, PO, Galicia, España
Posted by: Ariberna
N 42° 39.747 W 008° 06.819
29T E 572639 N 4723711
WI-FI in streets
Waymark Code: WM1BBA2
Location: Galicia, Spain
Date Posted: 01/10/2025
Views: 0
This is the free WIFI that you can find and connect at various points in the town of Lalín.
You can connect without problems and enjoy.
Connection Type: Base Station (BSS)
DHCP IP's Given Out: DHCP On
Is WEP Key on or off?: WEP off
Pay Network: Not a PayNet
SSID or Network Name: SMART_LALIN
Approximate Location: streets
(Wifi on the corner of this building)
Business Street Address: Praza do Concello Lalín, España
Visit Instructions:
For posting a Visit, at least please describe the ease, or otherwise, of accessing the WiFi Hotspot portal [was it that you were too far away from the 'center' of the Hotspot?], with a narrative of your experience of the establishment. AND a photo, to confirm your presence. Thanks
Recent Visits/Logs:
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