Sailing - Mijntje Post Boertien - Almere Haven, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member T-Team!
N 52° 19.948 E 005° 13.591
31U E 651707 N 5800350
Mijntje lies in the Almere Haven cemetery. By the sailboat (a Botter) on her grave, I assume she loved sailing (or even a sailor)
Waymark Code: WM1BFHW
Location: Flevoland, Netherlands
Date Posted: 02/03/2025
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member PISA-caching
Views: 1

About the boat / Botter:
"The botter is an old Dutch type of fishing vessel with a flat to slightly V-shaped bottom, with a slightly protruding keel and angular bilges that merge into convex outward-facing sides, the bulwark of which falls inwards above the gunwale (invalling).

Botters fished mainly on the former Zuiderzee but were also used for coastal fishing on the North Sea. "
Source (visit link)

About the cemetery:
"Almere Haven Cemetery
The cemetery in Almere Haven has private graves. Only private (family) graves are issued at the cemetery in Almere Haven. There are also various options for ash destinations, such as scattering and an urn grave. There is also a memorial monument where relatives can commemorate."
(visit link)
Is Gravestone Showing Occupation or Hobby?: Hobby

What is depicted occupation or hobby?: Sailing

Date of birth: 05/15/1929

Date of death: 10/22/2013

Access hours and days:
Sunrise - sunset

Visit Instructions:

Original picture of grave(nothing should be placed on grave stone).  Logs with pictures which are deemed to be inappropriate will be deleted.

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