Boone's Lick Trail - St. Charles, Missouri
Posted by: Groundspeak Charter Member BruceS
N 38° 46.416 W 090° 29.368
15S E 718097 N 4294646
Historical marker along the Boone's Lick Trail in St. Charles. Marker placed by St. Charles South Main Preservation Society.
Waymark Code: WM1ZHB
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 08/09/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member GEO*Trailblazer 1
Views: 37

Boone's Lick Trail
circa 1800

Daniel Boone first blazed this trail following old Indian paths to a salt spring near Booneville, MO.  In 1806 Boone's sons, Nathan and Daniel Morgan moved to the salt springs near Booneville to harvest salt for pioneers.  Salt, essential for the preservation of meat, sold for $4 a bushel.  Nathan helped survey and straighten the trail, renaming it the Boone's Lick Road.  It became a state road in 1827.  Boone's Lick became the first westward passage to the Oregon, Santa Fe and California Trails.  On April 14, 1849, the St. Charles Western Star predicted, "thirty thousand pioneers will use this route to get to the California Gold Rush in the next three months." ~ text of marker

History of Mark:
"The Boone’s Lick Trading Post was built in 1854 by William Hall and this establishment was run by him. Originally it had two rooms, and the Post specialized in deer meat and other wild game. It was known for its splendid drinking water its source coming from a Spring. A large log filled with flowing water made this inn popular as the stock could be watered and rested at the rear of the inn where there was a beautiful grove. The old “Plank Road” extended past this Post to the town of Cottleville. This building belonged to Mrs. Joe Lemmon Clanton until 1965." ~ Historical St. Charles

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