Amphithéâtre de Grand - France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache
N 48° 23.145 E 005° 29.476
31U E 684440 N 5362174
[FR] La notoriété du site de Grand est attestée par des textes antiques, signalant le passage de pèlerins illustres, tel l'empereur Caracalla [EN] The fame of the Grand site is certified by old texts, indicating the presence of illustrious pilgrims.
Waymark Code: WM6W34
Location: Grand-Est, France
Date Posted: 07/26/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Chris777
Views: 13

[FR] L'amphithéâtre, de forme semi-elliptique fut signalé dès 1764 ; les premières fouilles furent entreprises en 1821.
Protégé jusqu'en 1963 par les 50 000 m3 de remblais qui le recouvraient, l'amphithéâtre, depuis sa mise à jour se dégradait ; aussi en 1995 une couverture de gradins en bois a été posée afin de le préserver.

Il se classe au 8ème rang des monuments de spectacle de l'Empire romain par ses 148 m de grand axe et pouvait accueillir 17 000 personnes.

[EN] The amphitheatre, with its semi-elliptical shape was first discovered in 1764 ; the first excavations began in 1821.
Protected until 1963 by the 50,000 m3 of embankments which were covering it, the amphitheatre had been gradually deteriorating since being updated. Thus in 1995 it was covered with wooden terraces in order to preserve it.

It is in 8th place in the list of theatrical monuments of the Roman Empire thanks to its major axis measuring 148 m and it could accommodate 17, 000 people.
Most Relevant Historical Period: Roman Empire > 27 B.C.

Admission Fee: €3.00

Opening days/times:
Amphitheatre and mosaic - From 1 April to 30 September Daily from 09:00. to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 18:30 - From 1 October to 31 March Daily except Tuesdays From 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 - Annual closure : * Amphitheatre : from 25 December to 15 February * Mosaic : from 25 December to 20 January

Web Site: [Web Link]

Condition: Partly intact or reconstructed

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