Roanoke, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
N 39° 18.920 W 092° 41.326
15S E 526830 N 4351816
Founded by John Head, named by John Randolph.
Waymark Code: WM744D
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 08/30/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member muddawber
Views: 3

Date Marker Erected: July 1984.
County of Marker: Howard County.
Location of Marker: MO-3, city park, Roanoke.
Marker Text:

1834 ROANOKE MO. 1984
Founded by John Head
Centennial June 20, 1934
Sesquicentennial July 28, 1984
The oldest and smallest Roanoke
in the U.S.A.

History of Mark:
One of The Historical Towns of North Missouri, And is Surrounded By a Rich Section of Farming Country Roanoke was originally settled by Virginians, who were great admirers of that eccentric, but talented man, John Randolph, of Roanoke, and named the new town after his elegant country seat, Roanoke. The town was laid out in 1834, two years before Glasgow, and eleven years after establishing the county seat at Fayette. The town is situated in the northern part of the county, and not far from where the counties of Randolph and Chariton corner with Howard. When the citizens desired to form a municipal corporation for the government of the town - from the fact, that owing to the close proximity of Chariton and Randolph counties lines, and, also as a part of the town was in each county - they found that before they could properly serve papers on a criminal in Howard he would escape to one of the adjoining counties, and thus be beyond the jurisdiction of the town authorities; they sought and overcame this legal dilemma by getting the State Legislature to pass a special act granting the said town authorities co-equal jurisdiction in Chariton and Randolph counties with that of Howard to the limit of corporation. This special act is still in full force and effect, having been enacted nearly sixty years ago. Roanoke, before the war, was probably the most thriving business town in the county, taking into consideration its size. Its business men drew trade from three counties, often extending as far as thirty to forty miles. It was the great center for tobacco raisers, who always found a market, and liberal prices paid by the purchasers. Roanoke is situated three miles north of Armstrong on the western extremity of Foster Prairie. The country surrounding the town for many miles in every direction is as rich and productive as you will find in the most favored and fertile region in the far-famed blue grass counties in Kentucky. The town still commands a good trade although many other new towns have, mushroom like, sprung up on every side, curtailing her once stupendous strides in the marts of trade; yet the old veteran as she is, moves on quietly, yet majestically, in the even tenor as days of yore. Roanoke business transactions are represented by two dry goods stores, four grocery stores, three drug stores, one hardware and implement store, one hotel, one meat shop, one barber shop, one blacksmith shop and three churches. Also one conveniently arranged opera hall, built by contributions from enterprising and public-spirited citizens. With all the glory and iridescent halo which hovers over and around the grand old town of Roanoke, there is nothing that will add more imperishable fame to her venerable name than that of her far-famed public school. The crowning glory of American institutions is the public school system. Nothing else among American institutions is so intensely American. They are the colleges of democracy, and, if this government is to remain a republic, governed by statesmen, it must be from the public school they must be graduated. The amount of practical knowledge that the masses receive is important beyond measure, and forms the chief factor in material prosperity. Few towns of the size of Roanoke can boast of having a public school which has been so successfully conducted for such a long term of years. From the Roanoke public school a number of men, who today are known in the world of letters on two continents, laid the foundation stones of present attainments in the old school room at Roanoke. Roanoke's historic old school house was destroyed by fire last January (1898). A handsome new structure is now being erected, with modern improvements.

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