TB 2022-32 Jirná
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member haggaeus
N 49° 43.733 E 013° 01.311
33U E 357440 N 5510365
TB na vrcholu kopce Jirná, 523 m n.m.
Waymark Code: WM8G8H
Location: Plzeňský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 03/29/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Selmice
Views: 108

Pobliz TB jsou zbytky zakladu stareho stozaru. Novy telekomunikacni stozar je o kus niz jihovychodnim smerem.
Kopec Jirná je zarazen do radioamaterskeho programu SOTA jako OK/PL-076.
Type: TB - trigonometricky bod polohoveho pole

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Access restrictions: no


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J.Kaas & family visited TB 2022-32 Jirná 07/19/2014 J.Kaas & family visited it