Historic Marker Project - Caldwell, KS
Posted by: YoSam.
N 37° 01.956 W 097° 36.396
14S E 623929 N 4099396
Sets up the tour, and explains why
Waymark Code: WM9NNP
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 09/10/2010
Views: 11
Marker Erected by: The Caldwell Cherokee Strip Centennial Committee
Date Marker Erected: 1993
County of Marker: Sumner County
Location of Marker: 12 E. Central Ave., Caldwell
Marker Text:
The many historic markers on display on Caldwell's streets were commissioned by the Caldwell Cherokee Strip Centennial Committee in 1992 in anticipation of the celebration of the "Run" in April and September, 1993. The project preserves a part of Caldwell's past for our many visitors and future generations. The work of the Historic Marker Subcommittee, with the help of others, allows you to enjoy some of the history that those streets and buildings witnessed over 100 years ago during Caldwell's stormy cowtown period. We hope you enjoy your stroll into history.
Marker Subcommittee Members: Chairperson Colin Wood, Richard Love, Harold Sturm, JE Turner, Donald White, and David Williams.
Erected 1993 by Donations from the Caldwell Cherokee Strip
Centennial Committee