Cock - High Street, Colney Heath, Herts, UK.
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member HitchinLookers
N 51° 44.296 W 000° 15.273
30U E 689556 N 5735495
Pubs named 'The Cock' usually point at a pub that once offered cock fighting as an entertainment.
Waymark Code: WM9ZAE
Location: Eastern England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 10/21/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 1

Cock fighting would have taken place in the pub yard, as a rule. There may have been a cock pit offering the spectators a better view (and the fighting cocks no escape.

As a pub name, 'The Cock' has been used sine the 14th century.

As an alternative, the sign may have advertised the sale of cock ale and may have been around in this way since the 16th century. Here is the basic recipe:-

"Take 10 gallons of ale and a large cock, the older the better; parboil the cock, flay him, and stamp him in a stone mortar until his bones are broken (you must gut him when you flaw him). Then, put the cock into two quarts of sack, and put to it five pounds of raisins of the sun - stoned; some blades of mace, and a few cloves. Put all these into a canvas bag, and a little before you find the ale has been working, put the bag and ale together in vessel.

In a week or nine days bottle it up, fill the bottle just above the neck and give it the same time to ripen as other ale."

Name of Artist: Not known

Date of current sign: Not known

Date of first pub on site: Not known.

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