Pound Land, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, UK
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Ddraig Ddu
N 52° 24.874 W 004° 05.082
30U E 426225 N 5807701
A pound shop where everything is strictly a pound (appx $1.62) which is the UK version of a Dollar store.
Waymark Code: WMB4P1
Location: South Wales, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 04/05/2011
Views: 4

A pound shop where everything is strictly a pound (appx $1.62) which is the UK version of a Dollar store. They offer for the mighty pound a range of sandwiches, drinks, ice creams, plants, tools, presents, tupperwear, toys, beauty products, dvds, footballs, and food products, and even more.
Name of the City/Town the Store is In/Near (e.g., Swartwout, TX): Aberystwyth

Address of Store:
Great Darkgate Street
Aberytwyth, Ceredigion, Wales Wales

Hours and Days of Operation: 9am to 6pm

I Verified All Items Are the Same Price: yes

They offer for the mighty pound a range of sandwiches, drinks, ice creams, plants, tools, presents, tupperwear, toys, beauty products, dvds, footballs, and food products and even more!

Visit Instructions:
A picture of you at the store, or a picture of just the store would be nice, but is not required.
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veritas vita visited Pound Land, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, UK 08/11/2012 veritas vita visited it