US Inspection Station--Calexico - Calexico, CA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
N 32° 39.922 W 115° 29.678
11S E 641160 N 3615191
The former US Inspection Station in Calexico, CA.
Waymark Code: WMCAA7
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 08/15/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 3

The building dates from back to 1933. It's currently vacant. The facade of the building is deteriorating, though there's some nice tile work of the facade's pillars. It looks like there used to be a plaque on the building, but it was stolen.

From the NPS: "The U.S. Inspection Station in Calexico is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under criterion "A" for its role in Politics and Government as a custom house, where U.S. policies for international political and economic relations have been directly implemented on a continuing basis since 1933. Also to be considered under this criterion is the significant impact the building and its function have had on the Hispanic ethnic heritage of the region. The building has been the site of the immigration of thousands of new citizens of Hispanic heritage. It is appropriate that along with the recent restoration of Ellis Island, other U.S. Ports of Entry be recognized for their historic significance. In addition, the U.S. Inspection Station has been instrumental in the economic trade of the region, which depends on the free flow of goods and services across the border; and exemplary of the exchange of cultural ideas and traditions which also flow freely across the border. The history of the town of Calexico, California begins and continues today to be ruled by its location on the U.S. Mexico border. The town's history began in 1900 when the construction of a canal was being studied and planned to bring the Colorado River to the Imperial Valley. It was decided that the canal take a route through Mexico and back to California.

The station is also eligible under criterion "C" as a significant example of Spanish Colonial Revival architecture as interpreted by the Depression-era federal building program under which it was constructed. The U.S. Inspection Stations at Calexico and at Tecate, (built shortly after the Calexico Station), are fine examples of the adaptation of regional architectural style and details to suit an important government function. The Period of Significance dates from 1932, the beginning of construction, through 1941, which reflects the end of the historic period as defined by the National Register." (visit link)
Street address:
12 Heffernan Ave
Calexico, CA USA

County / Borough / Parish: Imperial

Year listed: 1992

Historic (Areas of) Significance: Architecture/Engineering, Event

Periods of significance: 1925-1949

Historic function: Government

Current function: Government

Privately owned?: no

Primary Web Site: [Web Link]

Season start / Season finish: Not listed

Hours of operation: Not listed

Secondary Website 1: Not listed

Secondary Website 2: Not listed

National Historic Landmark Link: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and brief account of your visit. Include any additional observations or information that you may have, particularly about the current condition of the site. Additional photos are highly encouraged, but not mandatory.
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