Boardwalk, Pointe du moulin, Qc Canada
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member rasemottes
N 45° 21.989 W 073° 51.334
18T E 589621 N 5024300
Voie piétonne au-dessus du marécage de la Pointe-du-moulin./ Boardwalk over a marsh. Pointe du Moulin.
Waymark Code: WMCE3F
Location: Québec, Canada
Date Posted: 08/27/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member PTCrazy
Views: 26

Cette passerelle traverse un site patrimonal menant au moulin à vent et à la maison du meunier sur la pointe de l'île.
Elle semble surtout dédiée aux oiseaux, on n'y trouve plusieurs mangeoire différentes avec leur explications.

This boardwalk crosses a historic site leading to a windmill and a miller's house on the tip of the island.
It seems mostly dedicated to birds, there are several different feeders with their explanations.
Approximate boardwalk length (feet): 135 meters

What is the boardwalk over?:
La voie piétone est au dessus d'un marécage. This boardwalk is over a marsh.

Boardwalk material: Bois/Wood

Visit Instructions:
Please include a picture of the boardwalk. Try to get a shot that hasn't been taken before if possible.
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