Mormon Battalion - Sandoval County, New Mexico
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Go Boilers!
N 35° 27.098 W 106° 21.231
13S E 377137 N 3923971
At the end of a lonely frontage road.
Waymark Code: WMCX3X
Location: New Mexico, United States
Date Posted: 10/21/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Geo Ferret
Views: 9

The Mormon Battalion, composed of 500 men mustered into the service of the United States in the war with Mexico was called to the colors as the Mormon pioneers were beginning their historic trek to the Rocky Mountains at the conclusion of the 2,000 mile march from Council Bluffs Iowa to San Diego California. The leader who took command at Sante Fe paid tribute to his men in part as follows....History may be searched in vain for an equal march of infantry. Half of it has been through a wilderness where nothing but [ ] and wild beasts are found, or deserts where for want of water there is no living creature. Here with almost hopeless labor we have dug wells which the future traveler will enjoy without a guide who had traversed them. We have ventured into trackless tablelands where water was not found for several marches. With crow bar and pick and axe in hand we have worked our way over mountains which seemed to deny aught save the wild goat, and hewed a pass through a chasm of living rock more narrow than our wagons to bring these first wagons to the Pacific. We have preserved the strength without loss.

Thus marching half naked and half fed, and living upon wild animals, we have discovered and made a road of great value to our country.

Lieutenant Colonel P. St. George Cook
Official Order issued January 30, 1847, upon the safe arrival of The Battalion in San Diego, California
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