Edgewood Store - Edgewood, CA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member NW_history_buff
N 41° 27.458 W 122° 25.927
10T E 547428 N 4589716
This store is located in the unincorporated community of Edgewood, CA just off Edgewood Rd.
Waymark Code: WMH1E2
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 05/06/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 4

This store is one of only two prominent buildings in the community of Edgewood. It looks to be closed most of the time and only open as a thrift store. Edgewood Elementary School is across the street. This store was built in 1888 and was also known as the 'Edgewood Emporium' and 'Cavanaugh's'.

The following text is taken from the NRHP nomination form:

Edgewood, in the true spirit of frontier life, originated as a stage stop in the early 19th Century. It was a station on the California - Oregon stage road between Edson's (Gazelle P. 0.) and Strawberry Valley (Berryvale P. 0. - today's Mt. Shasta). Edgewood was first known as Butteville (1856), then Cavanaugh's (1860), and Edgwood (1870). The name was changed, for the last time, to Edgewood in 1902. Edgewood was considered the most important place on the line because it was centrally located between Gaselle and Berryvale. At the time, the Emporium was considered the community focal point. It was at the Emporium that people met, exchanged ideas and news. Neighbors and friends depended on this location for their social activities beyond home and family.

The first settlement in the area was made in late 1851 by William and Jackson Brown. In 1856, a man named W. Starr built a store and saloon. Joseph Cavanaugh purchased the store, saloon, and land from Starr in 1858. Cavanaugh then built a hotel. Other businesses and buildings appearing in Edgewood in the 1800's were: Bowles Lumber Mill (1854), later becoming a grist mill, Patterson's Bar and Hotel, Mountainview Creamery (1894), which was originally the Edgewood Creamery, Bob Campbell's Dance Hall and Saloon, Joe Rantz's Blacksmith Shop, Bagley's Dogtown Saloon (removed from Edgewood and stored at the Jacksonville Museum in Jacksonville, Oregon).

During the late 1800's, Joseph Cavanaugh's two sons began making their mark on the Edgwood landscape. Richard became a cattleman. Edward became a businessman. Edward built the Edgwood Emporium on its present, site in 1888. The land on which the present Edgewood Store sits was built on approximately one-half Cavanaugh Ranch and one-half Jackson Ranch. Edward employed five carpenters (Siskiyou Telegram, July 26, 1890) to build his first store. According to the Yreka Journal, August 23, 1898, fire destroyed both the Store and Post Office. The Siskiyou News, January 28, 1899, states that Ed Cavanaugh rebuilt, bigger and better, in January, 1899. The Yreka Journal, March 14, 1899, says that "Ed Cavanaugh is fitting up and moving into his fine new store building at Edgwood this week on the site of the old store that burned down last Fall."

(maybe the date on the store should have been changed to '1899'?)

Troop trains passed through Edgewood during World War I, and the Railroad Depot was busy twenty-four hours a day. The Roaring Twenties followed the War, and Edgewood was the hub of nightlife even sporting slot machines. During World War II, a California State Militia unit was activated at Edgewood in 1943 and headquartered at the Cavanaugh Store building. Wartime activity ceased at the Store in 1947.

Today, Edgewood is a quiet little village boasting only the small Butteville School and the Edgewood Store. A half-mile south on Edgewood Road is the Edgewood Cemetery. Aside from the two remaining Victorian homes built by brothers Richard and Edward Cavanaugh, the Store is the lone commercial sentinel remaining in a once bustling pioneer town. The cattle industry still flourishes as it has since 1852 when Samuel Jackson (Jackson Ranch) registered the first brand in California. Large herds still spread out in fields adjacent to the Store.

This store has witnesses much history in the area over the years and I was sorry to see that it no longer functions as a store.

Street address:
24505 Edgewood Rd
Edgewood, CA

County / Borough / Parish: Siskiyou County

Year listed: 2004

Historic (Areas of) Significance: Event

Periods of significance: 1925-1949, 1900-1924, 1875-1899

Historic function: Commerce/Trade

Current function: Vacant/Not In Use

Privately owned?: yes

Primary Web Site: [Web Link]

Secondary Website 1: [Web Link]

Season start / Season finish: Not listed

Hours of operation: Not listed

Secondary Website 2: Not listed

National Historic Landmark Link: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and brief account of your visit. Include any additional observations or information that you may have, particularly about the current condition of the site. Additional photos are highly encouraged, but not mandatory.
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