Don Fray Bartolome de Las Casas - San Salvador, El Salvador
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Metro2
N 13° 41.840 W 089° 11.333
16P E 263263 N 1515324
This statue of the Dominican Friar is in front of the Iglesia de Rosario in downtown San Salvador.
Waymark Code: WMH4FR
Location: El Salvador
Date Posted: 05/21/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 2

This lifesized (or perhaps a but smaller) statue depicts a young friar standing, wearing his clerical garb, arms crossed and hugging a crucifix to his chest.
The plaque accompanying this sculpture reads:


which celebrates the friar for being the protector of the Indians.

There doesn't seem to be much information on the internet about Bartolome, but this website (visit link) in Spanish informs us:

"FRAY BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS es uno de los hijos históricos más ilustres de Sevilla. A ella estuvo ligado por el nacimiento, crianza y posteriores relaciones familiares y dominicanas, especialmente con el convento de San Pablo. Sevilla, la capital-“plataforma”, que unió dos Continentes y sirvió al infatigable clérigo y religioso dominico de escala para sus viajes en una y otra dirección, fraguándose aquí, al menos en caracteres de imprenta, los importantísimos “Tratados” de su papel de mediador entre la Metrópoli y el Nuevo Mundo, en búsqueda inagotable e incansable de medios eficaces que ayudaran a resolver los tremendos problemas que surgieron inmediatamente después del “descubrimiento” y su tarea de lograr una legislación que salvaguardara los derechos de los Indios. Aquí, en Sevilla, vieron la luz los ocho importantísimos “Tratados”, que publicó el P. Las Casas en 1552, los cuales ocupan uno de los voluminosos tomos de la reciente edición crítica."

which Google translates (with several flaws) as:

"FRAY BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS is one of the most illustrious sons of Seville Historic. She was bound by birth, upbringing and family relationships and Dominican later, especially with the convent of San Pablo. Seville, the capital, "platform", which united two continents and served the tireless Dominican religious cleric and scale for your travels in both directions, brewing here, at least in capital letters, the very important "Treaties" of their role a mediator between the metropolis and the New World, in endless and tireless search for effective means to help solve the tremendous problems that arose immediately after the "discovery" and their task of legislation to safeguard the rights of the Indians. Here in Seville, came to light eight very important "Treaties", which published the P. Las Casas in 1552, which occupy one of the big books of recent critical edition."
Associated Religion(s): Roman Catholic

Statue Location: in front of the Iglesia de Rosario in downtown San Salvador.

Entrance Fee: free

Artist: unknown

Website: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.
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Metro2 visited Don Fray Bartolome de Las Casas  -  San Salvador, El Salvador 03/17/2013 Metro2 visited it