"Blick vom Geisswald" by Emanuel Büchel - Pratteln, BL, Switzerland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member fi67
N 47° 30.895 E 007° 41.886
32T E 401977 N 5263209
A copy of a drawing by Emanuel Büchel is on display at the location where it was created in 1735.
Waymark Code: WMJNR1
Location: Basel Landschaft, Switzerland
Date Posted: 12/10/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 7

Emanuel Büchel (1705-1775) was a famous Swiss drawer, illustrator and aquarellist. He is best known for his drawings of native plants and the landscape in his home town Basel and the closer environment.

On occasion of his 300th birthday in 2005, the municipality of Pratteln created a themed walk, called "Büchel Weg" with eight stations around Pratteln. This is the sixth station. Büchel created this drawing in 1735. The drawing depicts the village of Pratteln seen from south-east. Some parts of the historic center of Pratteln still look the same or similar as then, especially the church and the castle. The main difference is the industrial quarter in the background. And there are some small trees growing at the edge of the hill now, that were not there 280 years ago. They're still small, but in a couple of years the view might be hidden by them.
Website of painting. Exact URL of painting is required: [Web Link]

Artist: Emanuel Büchel

Date of Painting: 01/01/1735

Date of Your Photograph: 12/05/2013

Medium of Painting: quill and ink on paper

Visit Instructions:
Describe your visit, including the date, with as much detail as possible, and contribute at least one photo, original, different from those already in the gallery, if possible.
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