First Springfield Railroad - Springfield, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
N 37° 13.807 W 093° 17.149
15S E 474645 N 4120438
Still a center of rail activity, Sprinfiel's first railroad was completed in 1870. This marker is on Commercial St. near the old Fisco Line building, now a police station.
Waymark Code: WMJPJZ
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 12/13/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Geo Ferret
Views: 4


West of this marker 480 feet a construction
train of South Pacific Railroad -- no St. Louis-
San Francisco Railway (Frisco) -- pulled
into the new town of North Springfield at 3 P.M.,
April 21, 1870. First passenger train, with
state and railroad dignataries aboard, arrived
May 3, 1870. The depot and Ozark Hotel were
being built by railroad on Commercial at
Benton. Shops to east, and later the west shops,
became important to economy of Springfield
and North Springfield, which merged in 1887.
After Frisco combined with Kansas City, Fort
Scott, and Memphis Railroad in 1901, the station
on Main at Mill was used and Commercial Street
Depot was discontinued.

Erected by St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company and
Greene County Historical Society - 1972

Web link: [Web Link]

History of Mark: Not listed

Additional point: Not Listed

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