Little Flock Cemetery in Little Flock, AR
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member MountainWoods
N 36° 22.522 W 094° 08.671
15S E 397336 N 4026191
A well kept church-related cemetery in Benton County, Arkansas
Waymark Code: WMJY2Z
Location: Arkansas, United States
Date Posted: 01/14/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Max Cacher
Views: 4

The little primitive baptist church about .3 miles east of this cemetery was one of the first buildings in the area, in 1843. A small town grew up around the church and took its name from the church's name, Little Flock. The church derived its name from a Bible verse:
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
Luke 12:32 (ESV)

Signs at the cemetery say that it was established in 1845, and that it "belongs to" the church. According to FindAGrave, although there were some grave markers without dates, the oldest recorded burial was from 1848. The most recent burial at the time of this posting was in 2013.

City, Town, or Parish / State / Country: Little Flock, AR USA

Approximate number of graves: 291

Cemetery Status: Active

Cemetery Website: [Web Link]

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MountainWoods visited Little Flock Cemetery in Little Flock, AR 01/14/2014 MountainWoods visited it