Naturhistorisches Museum - Wien, Austria
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Metro2
N 48° 12.306 E 016° 21.600
33U E 601046 N 5339990
Vienna's Naturhistorisches Museum was established between 1872 and 1889.
Waymark Code: WMK47H
Location: Wien, Austria
Date Posted: 02/10/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Tante.Hossi
Views: 26

Wikipedia (visit link) informs us:

"The Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW; (Austrian) German for "Natural History Museum, Vienna") is a large natural history museum located in Vienna, Austria. The museum's website provides an overview in the form of a virtual tour.

The museum's earliest collections of artifacts were begun over 250 years ago. Today, its collections on display cover 8,700 square metres (94,000 sq ft).

As of 2011, the museum houses approximately 30 million objects and the number is growing. Behind the scenes, collections comprising some 25 million specimens and artefacts are the essential basis for the work of over 60 staff scientists. Their main fields of research cover a wide range of topics from the origins of our Solar system and the evolution of animals and plants to human evolution, as well as prehistoric traditions and customs."
Country/Land: Austria / Österreich

Original Reference: Wien 1 - Innere Stadt, page 17

Museumsplatz 3 Vienna, Austria

Year built: 1889

URL reference: [Web Link]

Additional URL: Not listed

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