World War II Bombing Ranges
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member BIO-HAZRD
N 34° 03.756 W 081° 13.267
17S E 479595 N 3769119
Lake Murray islands used as training bombing ranges during World War II.
Waymark Code: WMKDAA
Location: South Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 03/24/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Lat34North
Views: 10

This marker is located in Lexington, South Carolina. On North Lake Drive (South Carolina Route 6). The marker is located on the west side of the north entrance, at the start of the pedestrian bridge.

The Inscription is as follows:
Lake Murray islands, most notably Lunch Island (since 1945 also called Bomb Island or Doolittle Island), Shull Island, and Dreher Island, were used as bombing ranges during World War II. B-25 crews from the Columbia Army Air Base (now Columbiana Metropolitan Airport) flew thousands of training missions here 1942-1945.

These islands were used for many types of practice runs, in which crews dropped flare, incendiary, and demolition bombs. Five B-25s ditched or crashed into Lake Murray while training here. Four were salvaged during the war, and the last aircraft, a rare B-25C, was salvaged from the lake in 2005.
Marker Name: World War II Bombing Ranges

Marker Location: Roadside

Type of Marker: Historic Site

Marker number: 32-36

County: Lexington

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