Elks Lodge #441 - Merritt, BC
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member T0SHEA
N 50° 06.620 W 120° 47.711
10U E 657644 N 5553225
If this brick building looks familiar, it could be because you've seen drill halls built prior to 1920 in other towns.
Waymark Code: WMN7Z2
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date Posted: 01/15/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 1

Yes, this building was originally built in 1915 as a drill hall. The design likely came out of a government office in Victoria or Ottawa as it appears to be a "cookie cutter" building which has at least one twin that we know of, that one being in Enderby, BC. The Enderby Drill Hall, at least in the exterior design and dimensions, is nearly identical to that of the Merritt Drill Hall. It was built in 1914, a year prior to this one. The building has been designated a City of Merritt Heritage Site.

We have no information as to when the Elks moved into the building, but we do know that Lodge #441 was instituted on June 21, 1959 and continues as an active lodge today. It is possible that the Elks first used this building in 1970.
Physical Address:
1702 Coldwater Avenue
Merritt, BC Canada
V1K 1C5

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