Fruitvale Christian Fellowship - Fruitvale, BC
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member T0SHEA
N 49° 06.704 W 117° 32.648
11U E 460289 N 5440019
The Fruitvale Christian Fellowship meets in a repurposed building at 1878 Columbia Gardens Road, across Beaver Creek from downtown Fruitvale. They are affiliated with the Apostolic Churches of the Pentecost of Canada.
Waymark Code: WMNA2W
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date Posted: 01/28/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member fi67
Views: 2

This painting of the Church was done in 2011 by Tea Preville, a Nelson resident whose body of work has become quite large. She is an artist of eclectic output and eclectic media, this one an oil on canvas, from her online gallery of churches in Salmo, Fruitvale, Montrose & area.

The photo was taken January 28th, 2015 at 2:25 P.M. Painting and photo are done/taken from across Columbia Gardens Road, to the west, looking east. We notice that either Tea exercised some artistic license in this painting or the church's colour scheme has changed radically since 2011.

Website of painting. Exact URL of painting is required: [Web Link]

Artist: Tea Preville

Date of Painting: 01/01/2011

Date of Your Photograph: 01/28/2015

Medium of Painting: oil on canvas

Visit Instructions:
Describe your visit, including the date, with as much detail as possible, and contribute at least one photo, original, different from those already in the gallery, if possible.
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