Danubiusbrunnen, 1869
Architektur: Moritz von Löhr, Bildhauer Johann Meixner
Material: Skulpturen: Carraramarmor, Brunnenbecken: MauthausenerGranit,
Säulen: Kreidekalk von Aviano bei Pordenone, Italien
Der Danubiusbrunnen befindet sich an der Albrechtsrampe. Nur der Volksmund nennt ihn Danubiusbrunnen, offiziell heißt er Albrechtsbrunnen, benannt nach dem Habsburger Erzherzog Albrecht - er blickt von seinem Pferd auf den Brunnen herab. Erzherzog Albrecht bewohnte einst die Albertina, welche auf der ehemaligen Augustinerbastei steht.
Wenn man fragt, wer nun auf dem Pferd reitet, hört man Antworten wie August, Albert und richtigerweise Albrecht. Nun aber genug von den vielen Vornamen die mit "A" beginnen.
In the center of the composition is an allegorical representation of the relationship between the city of Vienna (Vindobona) and the River Danube (Danubius). On each side were originally five niches with allogerical representations of the rivers Inn, Save, Drau, Theiß (Tisza), Mur, Salzach, March, Raab, Enns and Traun, these show the power and size of the empire of Austria-Hungary.
In a bomb attack on Vienna on 12 March 1945 the fountain was severely damaged. The recovery after the Second World War took place in highly reduced form, merely 'Danubius and Vindobona ' and the allegories of Save and Theiß remained. The allegorical representations of the rivers Enns, Mur, Raab, Salzach and Traun were placed in the castle park of Wieselburg an der Erlauf, the Drau in Greifenburg an der Drau and the Inn in Wiener Neustadt. March was missing. The niches in which they were placed, were bricked up.
In order to restore the fountain, the City of Vienna tried to the return the figures, which succeeded in the years 1985 and 2001/2002 also. The redesign of the entrance area of the Albertina the an escalator can at the place of the Inn and in order to preserve the symmetry, the Drau on the other side was removed also; both figures are now in the Burggarten next to the Schmetterlinghaus.
The present situation, to the left of the Danubius-Vindobona group are: Save as a woman with rudder and net, and the march, salzach, and mur as children; and to the right Theiß as a woman with rudder, and the raab, enns, and traun as children.
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